TWO MORE winners in our ongoing rubber ducky essay contest!
Our Ducks, Ourselves
The rubber ducky is imperfect because we ourselves, its creators, are
And so, at the same time, the ÒdefectiveÓ rubber ducky is also perfect
in the way it reflects us back to ourselves, not merely our imperfection
but also our longing for perfection and our unflappable determination to
believe in perfectionÑnot only that it can exist, but that it did once
exist, in some illusive rubber-ducky-past we refer to as Òour
childhood,Ó evading the fact that your childhood, Dear Reader, was, more
likely than not, the very moment of my awakening to the imperfection of
duck (or vice-versa).
Thus it becomes clear that, without this notion of ÒdefectiveÓ rubber
duck (or if not that, then some other, but similarly functioning, notion
of, for example, defective ÒrubberÓ duck), we would not truly be the
perfectly imperfect beings that weÑeach in our own yellow, sinking and
unable-to-squeak wayÑare.
Though she says you have never heard of her, Cori Adler has a Ph.D and
has published poetry all over the place, which matters.
Bless the Ducks, for They Have Sunken
The root cause of ÒSinking Duck SyndromeÓ is sinning. It is the heavy
weight of the log of sin stuck in their eyeballs that drags the ducks to
watery doom.
Sinking ducks are a hideous blight on the bathtub landscape. We must
cast them from our midst. They are a scourge that spells the end of
civilization, as we know it.
Oh, how it embarrasses and pains me to speak of these vile things. But
wait, brace yourself, for I will now speak of even more dangerous
behaviors freely chosen by these sinking ducks.
Everyone knows that sinking ducks are irresponsible and incapable of
forming true families. They engage in criminal activity, get ill, have
serial relationships, cheat on their partners, and mate out-of-season.
Because their sin is so great, sinking ducks should not be allowed to
have legal marriage.
Further, it is up to every citizen to demand that sinking ducks be
outlawed, their citizenship be revoked, and their evil relationships be
cast asunder.
Beware the Sinking Duck Syndrome and the militant agenda of Lovers
International. Beware its insidious push for special rights, such as
equal placement on the bathroom windowsill.
Friends, you can convert the heathen ducks, and stop Sinking Duck
Syndrome. You can help us change the direction into which our great
nation is currently headed.
Together we can halt the slide down the very wet, slippery slope that
leads us all to an underwater tomb. We can reverse the floating failure
of our fine-feathered friends.
DonÕt delay. Send cash now to www.sinfulducks.govÑweÕll know what to do
with your hard-earned cash.
Through reparative therapy we can eliminate those sins, as well as the
