| Emerging Democratic Majority: So What?
It makes no difference until Dems move to suburbs, or we get a fair
electoral system
by Steven Hill and Rob Richie
In their recently acclaimed book The Emerging Democratic Majority, Judis
and Teixeira make the case that long-term demographic trends favor the
Democratic Party. Given the electoral letdown suffered by the Democratic
Party in the 2002 and 2000 elections, and also throughout the 1990s as
the Democrats lost control of the Congress and the presidency, Judis and
Teixeira's themes have offered a ray of hope in a dismal political
But a stable Democratic majority in the Congress or the Presidency is
not likely to emerge anytime soon, and here's why: even if Judis and
Teixeira are correct that the demographics are shifting toward the
Democratic side, structurally our 18th century winner-take-all political
system will continue to favor conservatives and the Republican Party.
Unless confronted by reformers, that structural bias trumps the shifting
Electoral battles for the House, the Senate and the presidency are
fought out district-by-district and state-by-state in winner-take-all
contests--not on a national basis. So the national polls on which Judis
and Teixeira rely for their analysis are less and less meaningful.
The problem is where Democrats and Republicans live. Democrats tend to
live heavily concentrated in urban districts, with Republicans more
evenly dispersed in the both rural and suburban districts. The fact is,
when the national vote is tied, Republicans still win a healthy majority
of Congressional seats because the Republican vote is dispersed over
more districts.
Indeed in 2000, even as Al Gore beat George Bush by a half-million
votes, and the combined center-left Gore and Nader votes had an even
bigger lead, Bush beat Gore in 227 out of 435 US House districts and in
30 out of 50 states.
An issue like gun control is a great example. National polls have shown
for some time that, nationally, the public wants gun control. But that
doesn't make a bit of difference, because most of those people who want
gun control live in states and congressional districts that already are
locked up for the Democratic Party, particularly in urban areas. What
matters are the battleground states (for the presidency and Senate) and
battleground congressional districts (for the Congress), and those
electorates either don't care as much about gun control or actively
oppose it. In the aftermath of Election 2000, many Democrats now believe
that Gore's pre-campaign support for gun control may have cost him such
rural states as West Virginia, Missouri, Kentucky, Ohio, Arkansas and
his own state, Tennessee.
Even if there are more Democratic voters, to make a difference they need
to be moving into areas now held by Republicans, not into current
Democratic strongholds. If the "Democratic majority" emerges mostly in
states and districts where Democrats already are strong, it just
increases their winning majorities in those areas--without changing the
outcome of presidential winners or congressional majorities. If it
occurs in states and districts where it's not enough to overcome safe
Republican majorities, again no electoral results will change.
Ultimately it will take a supermajority of Democratic voters to win a
bare majority of Democratic seats--particularly progressive Democratic
Also, the distortions resulting from the redrawing of legislative
district lines can turn a statewide partisan majority into a minority of
legislative seats, and Republicans seem more conniving and successful at
this backroom dealing. For instance, Virginia Democrats in 2001 won
their first gubernatorial race since 1989, but Republicans went from
barely controlling the state house to a two-thirds majority. How?
Republicans drew the district lines. Similarly lopsided redistricting by
Republicans has since occurred in Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania,
and most recently Texas.
Teixeira and Judis try to account for these factors to some degree on
pages 69-72 of their book, but their analysis of this is brief, overly
optimistic, and unconvincing. They and others point to the increasing
migration of Latinos to the heartland, as well as states like
California, Florida, and Texas, as a trend that will overturn the
Republican applecart. Certainly, the increasing Latino influence in the
US is one of the politically hopeful scenarios, but the horizon for that
is more like 20 years, not ten.
Similar arguments also can be made for the presidential election, which
is won or lost in a handful of battleground states, and the US Senate.
Both of these have a structural bias that awards more per-capita
representation to low-population states, which favors the Republican
Party and its candidates, and will tend to frustrate any emerging
Democratic majority.
Thus, due to the distortions, peculiarities, and lack of proportionality
built into our 18th-century winner-take-all, geographic-based political
system, winning a majority of votes does not mean you end up with a
majority of seats. Winner-take-all means "if I win, you lose," and in
that zero sum game the Democrats will continue to come out on the short
end of the stick. The Republican Party and its think tanks seem to
understand this much better than the Democrats.
Relying on our analysis, one can make a strong case that the hope for
the Democratic Party lies in enacting full-representation electoral
systems. With full representation (also known as proportional
representation), the Democrats as well as the Republicans will win their
fair share of legislative seats that matches their proportion of the
popular vote. Redistricting and demographic trends will not distort
outcomes and produce such exaggerated results. Only with full
representation systems will the types of demographic shifts identified
by Judis and Teixeira, that perhaps over time should favor an emerging
Democratic majority, ever have a chance to win at the ballot box.
Steven Hill is a senior analyst at the Center for Voting and Democracy
and author of Fixing Elections: The Failure of
America's Winner Take All Politics, which is out in paperback this month
Rob Richie is executive director of the Center.
For more information about CVD's upcoming national conference, "Claim
Democracy," November 22-23 in Washington, D.C., backed by a broad range
of pro-democracy groups, visit
