Medical opinion by John F. Ruhland, ND
Do you have health-related questions for Dr. John, the Naturopathic
Doctor? Send them to the WA Free Press at 1463 E Republican #178,
Seattle WA 98112, or email to WAfreepress@gmail.com. Please keep
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construed as medical advice. Always make your own choice regarding
medical treatment by seeking multiple sources of information and
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Flu Vaccine, Mad Cow Disease
Dear Nature Doc,
With all the hype about the flu vaccination, I am starting to doubt my
own instincts that tell me to avoid the flu shot. What do you think?
For a relatively healthy person, there is no reason to have a flu shot.
The flu is a relatively mild illness. Immunization is an assault on the
immune system, artificially stimulating it, while not improving its
function in the long term. Each time you are given a flu shot or any
other immunization, I would argue that the artificial stimulation
increases the risk for the development of auto-immunity.
Mercury that is added to the flu shot as a preservative (called
ÒthimerosalÓ) makes the vaccine very dangerous for mercury-sensitive
people. There is no way of telling ahead of time which people are
mercury sensitive, and I have several patients in my practice who were
seriously damaged by the flu shot. It is now illegal to add mercury to
childhood immunizations. The vaccine manufacturers continue to add
mercury to the flu shot, making the claim that it is not a childhood
immunization. They then go on to heavily market to the pediatric
Additionally, most of my patients who have had the flu shot developed
the flu soon after receiving the immunization. In fact, the flu vaccines
that are produced each year are typically effective against only about
20 percent of flu viruses. This seasonÕs flu vaccine has been almost
completely ineffective against the major flu strains that have been
For those people whose immune system is not working optimally, including
young children and the elderly, the holistic approach is to strengthen
the immune system. Giving these people an immunization is even more
likely to cause long-term problems than in the general population.
In the future, our departments of public health must do much better in
nutrition education, especially for parents of young children and for
those people in nursing homes, in order to truly improve the health of
our most vulnerable citizens.
Dear Nature Doc:
How worried should I be about mad cow disease?
Truly healthy people are healthy for many reasons. The same thing is
true about cows and other animals. When an animal is penned up in a
cruel and unnatural manner, as they are in factory farms, and receives
all manner of tainted food, it cannot be optimally healthy. In factory
farming, the cows are eating all sorts of byproducts, things that
normally should be discarded. Besides the byproducts, according to the
book ÒFateful HarvestÓ by Duff Wilson, crops grown for animal feed can
be heavily contaminated. My recommendation is that if you feel you must
eat meat, eat organically certified meat. The animals raised organically
are more likely to eat a healthy diet.
During the recent case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (mad cow
disease) in Washington state, the US Department of Agriculture
acknowledged that only a small percentage of sick animals are randomly
selected to be tested for the disease. This means that there may be many
sick animals being consumed without having been tested. Furthermore,
parts of the sick animal in Washington were sent to a rendering plant.
That means that the BSE prions may now be contaminating products such as
lipstick, gelatin, glues on envelopes, and feed for animals other than
cows. It is not difficult to imagine prions finding their way into human
beings, as they would in fact be ingested if they were to get into such
My hope is that this is a wake-up call for the US to finally improve its
farming practices, rather than continue pressuring other countries to
buy US food containing hormones, antibiotics, and other contaminants.
Go to
for an updated version of an article on mad cow
disease originally published by Dr Ruhland in The Washington Free Press,
#51 May/June 2001.
