Administration's Facade of Credibility Erodes
Official investigations are slowly prying out information on 9/11, but
with considerable obstacles
by Rodger Herbst
The Bush administration has built its wartime credibility--once thought
to be unassailable--on a defensive response to the attacks of 9/11. Now
the administration is on the defense against a growing body of
information regarding prior knowledge of the attacks.
In January 2002, both Bush and Cheney asked Senate Majority Leader Tom
Daschle that inquiries be limited to the congressional Intelligence
Committees. In February, The House and Senate, controlled by opposing
parties, responded by forming an unprecedented Joint Intelligence
Committee. (2/12/2002 Washington Post)
On May 22, 2002, amid Joint Committee strife and continuous
administration warnings of new terrorist attacks, Daschle called for an
independent commission to investigate government action before the 9/11
attacks. He said such a panel was needed for "greater public scrutiny,
involvement,and understanding.'' (5/22/02 New York Times)
Slow-Walked and Stonewalled
Although Joint Committee Leaders Senator Bob Graham and Representative
Porter Goss had hoped to make rapid progress, scuffles regarding
staffing caused a number of scheduling delays.
The committee's attention then turned to the Senate Judiciary Committee,
which revealed a number of FBI irregularities, including headquarters'
thwarting of the recommendations of Phoenix and Minneaopolis field
agents prior to the September attacks. These embarrassments had earlier
led to further leaks of related information. Among the revelations was
an August 6 2001 President's Daily Briefing (PDB) by the CIA. The White
House has since acknowledged in response to news reports that this
briefing suggested Al Qaeda might be planning to hijack aircraft.
The Joint Committee's inquiry was effectively shut down by Vice
President Dick Cheney on June 20 when he denounced it as a source of a
"National Security Agency leak": News networks reported the texts of two
NSA intercepts received the day before 9/11, but not translated until
the day after. Even though the White House itself had earlier released
this information, the inquiry was obligated to submit to an
investigation by the FBI to determine the source of the leak. The FBI
counter-investigation was only the most visible of extensive
administration attempts to control damage. The Administration refused to
provide the Joint Committee access to the President's Daily Briefs,
citing executive privilege (11/08/03 NYT), and also refused to allow
testimony from Defense Secretary Rumsfeld or Secretary of State Colin
On September 5, 2002 Richard Shelby, the ranking Republican on the
Senate Intelligence Committee, expressed doubts that the committee's
investigation into 9/11 would accomplish anything, and he, like Daschle,
supported an independent investigation. "You know, we were told that
there would be cooperation in this investigation, and I question that. I
think that most of the information that our staff has been able to get
that is real meaningful has had to be extracted piece by piece." He adds
that there is explosive information that has not been publicly released.
"I think there are some more bombs out there ... I know that." (9/10/02
Republican Senator John McCain noted the Bush Administration
"slow-walked and stonewalled" the inquiry, which issued its final report
on December 10 2002. It was not permitted to tell the full story, to
make the president accountable, or to propose legislation for reform.
(Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists March/April 2003 "Slow-Walked and
Stonewalled" by John Prados)
The National 9/11 Commission: A National Scandal?
Mr. Bush successfully opposed creation of an independent National
Commission for over a year. Then on September 20, 2002, in the wake of
the damaging Joint Committee revelations, Mr. Bush reversed course.
On November 27 2002, Title VI of Public Law 107-306 established a new
Congressional National Commission, formally known as the National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. This commission
is to examine and report upon the facts and causes of the attacks; to
ascertain, evaluate, and report on the evidence developed by all
relevant governmental agencies, and build upon the investigations of
other entities. It is to complete this work by the end of May 2004.
Mr. Bush insisted on the right to name its chairman, Henry Kissinger,
who he said would "follow the facts no matter where they lead. " A New
York Times editorial suggested the White House initially appointed Henry
Kissinger as Commission Chairman "to contain an investigation it has
long opposed."(11/29/02 NYT)
Facing questions about potential conflicts of interest, Kissinger
resigned from the Commission on December 13
Publicly, the White House has pledged cooperation with the National
Commission, but privately, cooperation has been less than obvious. From
the commission's inception, commissioners and others say, the White
House has put obstacles in its way. (Newsweek
The Commission was originally allotted $3 million. In March 2003
Commission Chairman Tom Kean requested an additional $11 million, based
on an analysis of what commission members believed they needed to
provide a staff of 60 for the 18-month study. The initial request was
ignored and funding was delayed. (3/26/03 Time)
Weeks later, the administration provided $9 million in supplemental
budget. This meager funding to investigate why 3000 people died has been
compared with the $50 million provided to investigate the Columbia space
shuttle tragedy in which seven people died, and the $50 million provided
to investigate Whitewater and "Monicagate".
While the law establishing the commission required it to build on the
classified Joint Intelligence Committee report, the White House
initially blocked the commission's access to that report. A declassified
version was finally released in July 2003, eight months into the
18-month allotted life of the Commission. On orders of the Bush
administration, numerious selections were redacted, including a 28-page
section dealing with suspected Saudi ties to the 9/11 plot, and NSA
Director Michael Hayden's June 18, 2002 testimony.
Even with these omissions, the declassified report was damaging to the
administration. For example, Commissioner Max Cleland, a triple amputee
veteran of the Vietnam War and former Democratic Senator from Georgia,
learned that "an FBI informant in San Diego... was living with two of
the hijackers, and FBI headquarters didn't even tell him that they
should have been... looked at because the CIA didn't tell the FBI."
Cleland further observed: "the NSA didn't pass it on to the CIA or the
FBI. They were picking up intelligence as early as 1994 about a
potential attack in this country using aircraft. What we have here [in
this report] is a devastating indictment of the intelligence community."
(7/3/03 Bill Moyers Now, PBS:
At the White House's insistence, an adviser to Attorney General John
Ashcroft has been reviewing all of the commission's requests for
documents and interviews sent to federal agencies. Cleland, said the
White House was "cherry picking" documents it wanted to withhold. "It's
obvious that they're sifting the information to the 9/11 commission
now," he says. "We're way, way late here. The picture is not
encouraging." (7/7/2003 Wall Street Journal)
In July, the Commission acknowledged that its work was being hampered by
failure of executive branch agencies, especially the Pentagon and the
Justice Department, to respond quickly to requests for documents and
testimony. Commission Chair Thomas Kean also suggested the
administration's insistence on the use of "minders" during testimony
amounted to intimidation of witnesses. (7/8/03 NYT)
Cleland became the first panel member to say publicly that the
commission could not complete its work by its May 2004 deadline and the
first to accuse the White House of withholding classified information
from the panel for purely political reasons. "It's obvious that the
White House wants to run out the clock here," he said in an interview in
Washington. He also said Bush's re-election campaign had reason to fear
what the commission was uncovering in its investigation. "As each day
goes by, we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these
terrorists before September 11 than it has ever admitted." (10/26/03
On November 12, 2003, the commission announced that after months of
talks and the threat of subpoena it had reached agreement for the White
House to provide limited access to the President's Daily Briefs.
Administration officials acknowledged that they fear that information in
the reports might be construed to suggest that the White House had clues
before 9/11 that Al Qaeda was planning a catastrophic attack. Under the
accord only two members of the 10-member commission would have access to
the full library of daily briefings prepared in the Bush and Clinton
administrations and two other members would be allowed to read just the
copies of the briefings that the White House deemed relevant to the
inquiry. (11/13/03 NYT)
Although the agreement appeared to have the support of most of the
commissioners, it was denounced by two: Timothy J. Roemer and Max
Cleland. Roemer said in an interview that the White House was continuing
to place unacceptable limits on access to the Daily Presidential
Briefings. "I am not happy with this agreement, and I will not support
it." Cleland's response was much more scathing: "This is a scam, it's
disgusting. America is being cheated." (11/13/03 CNN with Wolf Bliter)
In an interview with Eric Boehlert of, Cleland noted "The
president's... decision compromised the mission of the 9/11 commission,
pure and simple.... It is a national scandal." (11/21/03
Immediately after his comments on CNN and, Bush nominated
Cleland to serve on the board of the Export-Import Bank. Because
statutes governing the panel bar anyone who holds a federal job, he will
have to leave the commission. (Washington Times)
The Commission subsequently announced on December 9 that Bob Kerry,
former Nebraska Senator and current President of the New School
University of Manhattan (NY) would replace Cleland.
On November 20, 2003, Commission Deputy Communications Director Al
Felzenberg announced that the Commission had selected four
representatives to "examine" the Presidential Daily Briefs: Chairman
Kean, Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton, Commissioner Jamie Gorelick, and Staff
Executive Director Philip Zelikow. Only notes are permitted, and only
Kean, Hamilton, Gorelick, Zelikow may view their own notes--and only at
the White House. Only Gorelick and Zelikow will have direct access. The
other seven commission members will only be able to read a "summary"
subject to White House review. The 9/11 Family Steering Committee
responded in writing: "This Agreement is replete with varying levels of
'editing' by the White House. It shows a lack of cooperation by the
White House in facilitating this Commission's investigation." The 9/11
Commission website (www.9/ reveals that Jamie Gorelick
has close ties with both the CIA and the administration.
As Executive Director, Zelikow, with close professional and informal
ties to the Administration, retains the power to hire all Commission
staff and coordinate the flow of Kean's investigation. He also has
access to all testimony--past and present, and manages all upcoming
witnesses, document requests and subpoenas. (11/21/03
Victim families complained of Zelikow's conflicts of interest in an
October 3 letter to the Commission, but were rebuffed. (10/14/03
Washington Post)
In a striking new development, Chairman Kean disclosed on December 17
that the attacks could and should have been prevented, and is now
pointing fingers inside the administration and laying blame. "There are
people that, if I was doing the job, would certainly not be in the
position they were in at that time because they failed. They simply
failed." Kean also promised major revelations in public testimony
beginning in January from top officials in the FBI, CIA, Defense
Department, National Security Agency and possibly President Bush and
former President Clinton.
The 911 Visibility Project ( is a Seattle
area citizens group working to obtain complete and truthful responses
from our government regarding a multitude of inconsistencies in the
official explanation of these events. The group is closely allied with a
national efforts (, and will be sponsoring a
number of educational and activist events in 2004.
