by Styx Mundstock
From a 100-year-old woman:
"Oh, to be 90 again!"
From Noah's Ark:
"How come there are so many mosquitoes and only one unicorn?"
From a right-wing think-tank:
"Let's not call them freedom fighters; let's call them terrorrists."
From the Republican section of heaven:
"Well, at least it's not crowded here."
From a supermarket employee:
"Why do I have to listen to that loud, mind-damaging music all day?"
From a cancer cell:
"If coyotes eat cats and people eat cows, why shouldn't I eat people?"
From God:
"I sort of miss all those goddesses since they decided there's only
one of Me."
From a Beverly Hills mansion:
"I worked for every cent I inherited."
From a sperm in a celibate priest:
"I feel a sense of unfulfillment."
From WA Free Press editor Collins:
"Will there still be all this fund raising in heaven? I sure hope