#66 November/December 2003
The Washington Free Press Washington's Independent Journal of News, Ideas & Culture
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Toward a Toxic-Free Future

Media Beat

Issues On Film


Ducky Detritus
Rubber duck flotilla will likely be lamely floating ashore upside-down

The History and Development of Rubber Ducks

Rubber Duck Essay Contest Rules

Abysmal Amtrak Rail Security
by Joel Hanson

Bush-Pushed Tax Cuts
Just more jabs, or the death of democracy?
by Rodger Herbst

I wouldn't mind...
Ironic grammar exercise by Styx Mundstock

Our Media, Ourselves
Another perspective on why mainstream news reportingis so darn rotten
opinion by Doug Collins

Who Killed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr? (part 1)
interview of King family attorney William F. Pepper
by Joe Martin


China 'At War' with Advancing Deserts
by Lester R. Brown

Killing with Kindness
Removing a Lawn Without Herbicides
by Philip Dickey


It's the Economics Model, Stupid

George W. News Brief
forwarded from Scentposts

WTO ShutDown in Mexico
firsthand account by Peter Rosset


Free the white tigers
Animals Are Not Actors
from People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)


Albertsons Agrees To Provide Birth-Control Coverage
from Planned Parenthood of Western Washington

Do You Really Want 'Growth' in Your Town?
by Renee Kjartan


Time To Act
Overworked Americans
by Paul Rogat Loeb


WA Police Need Warrant for GPS Surveillance
from ACLU of WA

Lesbian/Gay Employment Rights Victory
Illegally fired hospital worker receives settlement
from ACLU of WA

The Crime of Being Poor, part 2
by Paul Wright, editor, Prison Legal News


Fluoride Quiz
from Emily Kalweit

CA Dental Board Strengthens Policy on Mercury Toxicity
from Dr. Paul Rubin

Herd Immunity or Herd Stupidity?
Vaccination Decisions - part 2
by Doug Collins

Sweet Stuff
by Doug Collins


Tom Delay Ambushes Texas--And America
by Steven Hill and Rob Richie

Slogans for Bush/Cheney Re-election Campaign

photoessay by Kristianna Baird


Uncle Sam's Marijuana
book notice by Christopher Largen

Fluoride Quiz

from Emily Kalweit

Take this quiz and find out what you really know about fluoridation.

  1. The fluoride compound that will be added to our drinking water is: a) calcium fluoride, a fluoride compound which occurs naturally in drinking water,b) pharmaceutical or food grade fluoride,c) hydrofluorosilicic acid, a toxic-waste byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer industry containing contaminants of lead and arsenic.
  2. In a recent congressional investigation of fluoridation, the US Environmental Protection Agency reported that the number of animal or human studies performed on hydrofluorosilicic acid, the substance used in Seattle's fluoridation program, is: a) 3000 studies b) 19 studies c) 0 studies
  3. An increasing number of peer-reviewed studies are linking fluoride accumulation in the body to: a) impaired brain function resulting in behavioral problems and reduced IQ b) thyroid disease and bone cancer c) higher levels of lead in children's blood
  4. According to the Centers for Disease Control and the Journal of the American Dental Association, fluoride's benefit comes from: a) swallowing it (systemic exposure) b) applying it directly to the tooth surface (topical exposure) c) equal topical and systemic exposure
  5. A University of Washington statewide survey of approximately 2,900 children found that dental decay rates: a) have increased in fluoridated areas b) have decreased in fluoridated areas c) are about the same in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas
  6. According to the Food and Drug Administration, fluoride ingested to reduce tooth decay is under FDA regulation and: a) is a drug the agency has not yet reviewed or approved as safe or effective b) is an approved drug c) is not really a drug
  7. Which of these foods can contribute to children's overexposure to fluoride? a) many fruit juices and sodas b) raisins, citrus fruit, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes c) many kinds of processed cereals, milk
  8. Excessive fluoride exposure can: a) cause lower back pain and thickening of connective tissue b) inhibit production of insulin, seratonin, melatonin, and thyroxin c) cause dental fluorosis, a permanent scarring of tooth enamel

Answers: 1) C; 2) C; 3) A, B & C; 4) B; 5) C; 6) A; 7) A, B & C; 8) A, B & C

For more information, go to: www.fluoridealert.org, www.keepers-of-the-well.org and www.earthisland.org/eijournal/fluoride/fluoride_index.html

1) " Fluorine recovery in the fertilizer industry--a review," by H.F.J. Denzinger, H.J. Konig and G.E.W. Kruger, Phosphorous & Potassium, Sept./Oct. 1979 No. 103, pp. 33-39
2) Response dated 6/23/99 from the US EPA to the US House of Representatives Committee on Science. Link to excerpt: www.keepers-of-the-well.org/product_pdfs/EPA_response_6.99.pdfLink to full document: www.keepers-of-the-well.org/gov_resp_pdfs/EPAresponse1.pdf
3) www.keepers-of-the-well.org/determination/CSDW_ref.pdf
4) "Recommendations for Using Fluoride to Prevent and Control Dental Caries in the United States," Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), Vol 50, No RR14;1 08/17/2001, p. 3, 4; Link: www.cdc.gov/mmwr/PDF/RR/RR5014.pdfFor an overview of the literature regarding topical versus systemic exposure, link to: www.keepers-of-the-well.org/effectiveness_pdfs/Topical_vs_Systemic.pdf
5) The Washington State Children's Dental Health Survey, University of Washington Clinical Dental Research Center, Technical Report No. 9502, Aug 1995, pp. 19 & 24. www.clarkmichael.com/nofluoride/oldsite/efstats.htm
6) Response dated 12/21/00 from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to the US House of Representatives Committee on Science. Link to full document: www.keepers-of-the-well.org/gov_resp_pdfs/fda_response.pdf
7) www.fluoridealert.org/f-sources.htm#IV
8) www.keepers-of-the-well.org/determination/CSDW_ref.pdf

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