#66 November/December 2003
The Washington Free Press Washington's Independent Journal of News, Ideas & Culture
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Toward a Toxic-Free Future

Media Beat

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Ducky Detritus
Rubber duck flotilla will likely be lamely floating ashore upside-down

The History and Development of Rubber Ducks

Rubber Duck Essay Contest Rules

Abysmal Amtrak Rail Security
by Joel Hanson

Bush-Pushed Tax Cuts
Just more jabs, or the death of democracy?
by Rodger Herbst

I wouldn't mind...
Ironic grammar exercise by Styx Mundstock

Our Media, Ourselves
Another perspective on why mainstream news reportingis so darn rotten
opinion by Doug Collins

Who Killed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr? (part 1)
interview of King family attorney William F. Pepper
by Joe Martin


China 'At War' with Advancing Deserts
by Lester R. Brown

Killing with Kindness
Removing a Lawn Without Herbicides
by Philip Dickey


It's the Economics Model, Stupid

George W. News Brief
forwarded from Scentposts

WTO ShutDown in Mexico
firsthand account by Peter Rosset


Free the white tigers
Animals Are Not Actors
from People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)


Albertsons Agrees To Provide Birth-Control Coverage
from Planned Parenthood of Western Washington

Do You Really Want 'Growth' in Your Town?
by Renee Kjartan


Time To Act
Overworked Americans
by Paul Rogat Loeb


WA Police Need Warrant for GPS Surveillance
from ACLU of WA

Lesbian/Gay Employment Rights Victory
Illegally fired hospital worker receives settlement
from ACLU of WA

The Crime of Being Poor, part 2
by Paul Wright, editor, Prison Legal News


Fluoride Quiz
from Emily Kalweit

CA Dental Board Strengthens Policy on Mercury Toxicity
from Dr. Paul Rubin

Herd Immunity or Herd Stupidity?
Vaccination Decisions - part 2
by Doug Collins

Sweet Stuff
by Doug Collins


Tom Delay Ambushes Texas--And America
by Steven Hill and Rob Richie

Slogans for Bush/Cheney Re-election Campaign

photoessay by Kristianna Baird


Uncle Sam's Marijuana
book notice by Christopher Largen

Do You Really Want 'Growth' in Your Town?

by Renee Kjartan

"Growth is good." "Growth brings jobs." These truisms are debunked in a recent article in The Reporter, organ of the group Population Connection, in which author Edwin Stennett discusses some of the main points in his book, In Growth We Trust.

1) Is it good for a community to try to bring in new businesses and jobs? Stennett says few local residents benefit, because four out of five new jobs go to out-of-towners who otherwise would live elsewhere. "These new workers bring their cars, which need more roads, and their children, who need more teachers, and their housing needs, which lead to more development and further urbanization of the area." In the end, he says, the jobless rate stays about the same.

2) Will "smart growth" preserve open space? He argues that if each resident consumes less space (a premise of smart growth), the development of farmland and other open space is merely postponed, not stopped.

3) Will telecommuting and mass transit help? Not enough, he argues, to prevent the ruination of an area by "growth." What will work, he says, is to reduce the US birthrate to 1.8 percent annually from the present rate of 2.05. He notes that the US rate is high for an advanced country. For example, he says Canada's rate is 1.6 percent and Germany's is 1.3 percent. Stennett maintains that a 1.8 percent birth rate can be reached merely by cutting the unintended/unwanted pregnancy rate and by reducing still further the teenage pregnancy rate. A 1.8 percent birthrate would result in a stable population in the US, even when allowing for one million immigrants per year. How can birthrates be reduced? He says this can be done with four methods: 1) reduce the high school dropout rate; 2) reduce poverty; 3) make family planning available to all; and 4) use the media to educate people about the consequences of overpopulation.

In Growth We Trust, by Edwin Stennett, 130 pages, $10. Available from Population Connection, 1400 16th Street NW, Suite 320, Washington, DC 20036, www.populationconnection.org, 1-800-POP1956.

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