#62 March/April 2003
The Washington Free Press Washington's Independent Journal of News, Ideas & Culture
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Northwest & Beyond


Good Ideas from Different Countries

Bob's Random Legal Wisdom


Workplace Issues

Issues On Film


Silent Blue Angels
essay by Signe Drake

Spy Agency Busts Union
Federal employees no longer entitled to union representation
by Brian Frielb

What's the Hangup with Solar Energy?
Rapid conversion is possible in Washington
opinion by Martin Nix

The Rubber Ducky Dilemma
Keep Ernie happy: explain the Defective Ducky Dilemma and win a free subscription
by Doug Collins

American Newspeak
word collisions by Wayne Grytting

Answers to last issue's 'Great American Newspeak Quiz'
by Wayne Grytting

Bayer, Monsanto Poison Norway
from CBG network

Poisoning Ourselves
Toxic waste in fertilizer
by Rodger Herbst

Urban Runoff Killing Washington Salmon
by J.R. Pegg, ENS

Population, Grain, Windmills...
Twelve Ways to Tell if the Earth is Healthy
by Earth Policy Institute

The Shell Game
Environmental Laws of Mass Destruction
opinion by Rodger Herbst

Fuel-Cell Cars to Arrive Soon
by Bernie Fischlowitz-Roberts, Earth Policy Institute

Russian Big Oil Redraws Pipe Dream
by Rory Cox

Hepatitis B: Rare, and Not Very Contagious
by Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president, National Vaccine Information Center

'Iraq was not responsible for 9/11'
excerpts from a speech by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio)

WA Peace Team visits Baghdad
by Gary Engbrecht

Waiting for the Missiles
Prospect of US Bombs Terrorizes Iraqis
by Norman Solomon

A Louder Call to Action
In Shifting Sands: The Truth About UNSCOM and the Disarming of Iraq
Directed by Scott Ritter
film review by Bob Hicks

'Democracy U' Video Series Available

Members First
Service Employees union local has its first contested election in anyone's memory
opinion by Brian King


Mexico Controversy Dominates Costco Meeting
from Community Alliance for Global Justice

Pasco Ordinance Bars Services for Low-Income Community
from Washington ACLU

Public NEEDS Sensible Hepatitis B Vaccine Policies
opinion by Doug Collins

Seattle Poster Ban Still Not Clear

American Newspeak

word collisions by Wayne Grytting

Divine Inspiration Department: A minor miracle occurred when 29 newspapers printed exactly the same letter to the editor, but all written by different people who had all found exactly the same words to praise President Bush's tax cut. The letters all begin with the sentences: "When it comes to the economy, President Bush is demonstrating genuine leadership. The economic growth package he recently proposed takes us in the right direction by accelerating the successful tax cuts of 2001..." Opponents of the miracle thesis point to the growing practice of "astroturf" organizing (as opposed to "grassroots" organizing) by PR fronts, and to a Republican web site called "gopteamleader.com" which also contains a copy of the exact same letter with easy e-mail links to newspapers and prizes for letter "writers."

Darwin Awards: President Bush's announcement of a tax cut for Wall Street investors was the occasion for one of the finer understatements of the past decade. The statement was made by White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, who announced, "The president does not believe in punishing people because they are successful." Indeed. According to the Brookings Institute, a typical teacher, police officer or fire person could expect a return of $350 to $500 under Bush's plan, while the typical multi-millionaire could expect about $88,000.

Amateur Hour: The University of California at Berkeley re-entered the censorship business with a resounding belly flop when officials decided to censor a fundraising letter for the Emma Goldman Papers Project. One sentence, in particular, by the noted anarchist was found to be too offensive to today's more patriotic sensibilities. Listen and see if you don't agree. In 1915, before we had entered World War I Emma is quoted exhorting people "not yet overcome by war madness to raise their voice of protest, to call attention of the people to the crime and outrage which are about to be perpetrated on them." Obviously a tad inappropriate. Regardless, the University was forced to back down from their stand after the case received too much attention in the press.

Poor White Trash Revenge Department: The latest housing style coming out of Florida are homes modeled on the depression era shacks known as cracker houses. An exclusive development west of Gainesville, Florida known as Fanning Springs is featuring " a style of architecture in keeping with the charm of the old Florida cracker" homes. Houses come with a genuine corrugated metal roof, clapboard siding and an outhouse (with modern plumbing, of course). They do come with one minor difference--a starting price of $750,000. But that's a small price for what developers describe as a chance to have a "cracker experience."

Axis of Evil Department: The Bush administration set a new record for the number of times they used the phrase "failed to cooperate" in reference to Iraq without cluttering their prose with examples. Fortunately I've had access to the government's top-secret "broad evidence" of Iraq's non-cooperation. here are the highlights. 1. 73 nail files unaccounted for. 2. 89 missing footnotes in the 12,000 page declaration. 3. 12 engineers observed eating excessive amounts of garlic before interviews. 4. Three scientists in Baghdad refused to lower their pants when requested. Okay, I made this up, but I think you get the point.

Wayne can be reached at wgrytt@scn.org when he isn't reading a copy of American Newspeak (the book). Check out www.scn.org/newspeak.

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