| Bread not Bombs I am concerned that we, the Americancitizenry, are being seduced by terrorism. If we retaliate, I believewe are doomed to repeat these events time and again. Terrorism feedson our dark side. Retribution and retaliation are its nourishment.Afghanistan has been a fertile ground for terrorists. Their cities arein ruin from military conflict with the then Soviet Union. Much likepost-World War I Germany, its people are the product of a war-torn,desperate environment…. Further reprisals will only fuel the fire.Next time will it be germ warfare? Tainted water supplies? Or maybe itis a nuclear war head that levels an entire city.... This nation wasfounded on great principles.... True greatness speaks through eternaltruth as peace, as courage, as sacrifice, as compassion. Let us begreat. —Thomas Paravati, Baltimore, MD Consider Long-Term Consequences In this time of tremendous personal and national grief it isespecially important to consider the long-term consequences of theactions we take. I believe that the media has overplayed the voicescalling for retaliation and misinterpreted the widespread support forthe victims of Tuesday’s attacks and their families as well as for ourgovernment and American democracy, as blanket support for whatevermilitary responses President Bush chooses to enact. A lot of us,ordinary citizens not protected by secret services or militarybarricades, are also very worried for our safety because we know thatretaliation leads to more of the same. I am writing to express mysupport for peaceful, non-retaliatory responses to the terroristattacks against our nation in NY and DC, and my opposition to any andall acts of vengeance. I encourage all readers to contact theirrepresentatives in state and national offices and make their voicesheard in opposition to retaliation and in favor ofglobally-coordinated, non-militaristic but nevertheless totaldismantling of the structures of terror behind these acts. —Corinne Adler, Seattle |