Green Party Criticizes Bombing(ENS)-The Green Party USA has condemned the US and British bombing ofAfghanistan as inhumane and an act of “state terrorism” against astarving and impoverished nation. “The killing of innocent civilians, whether intended or not, is aviolation of international law,” the Party stated in a press release.“The US bombing of Afghanistan must cease immediately.” “Greens everywhere are mobilizing in an antiwar movement to force anend to the cycle of violence,” said a spokesman. “…our members areparticipating in numerous efforts to stop these bombings and savepeople’s lives.” Green party members “believe that all human life is equally valuable,whether a person works in lower Manhattan or lives in the desertoutside Kabul,” the statement said. While condemning the Sept. 11terrorist attacks, the Party said it also mourns the “hundreds ofinnocent civilians murdered by US bombs in Afghanistan.” “Justice should be the result of a fair, impartial and transparenttrial conducted under international law at which credible evidence isproduced,” a spokesperson said. “The devastation to the environment and civilian population caused bycluster bombs and by the use of Depleted Uranium artillery (containedin Tomahawk missiles) will be a lingering and insidious nightmareagainst the environment and Afghanistan’s people,” said aspokesperson, who added that the Bush administration is using theterrorist attacks “as a pretext for activities that have nothing to dowith ‘preventing terrorism.” “It’s all about oil, corporate profitsand globalization.” |