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Mar/Apr 2001 issue (#50)
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Rad Videos
Part 10
Censorship and Lack of Freedom of the Press
by John Ruhland, Free Press Contributor
The movies on this list are well-suited to watching as a group to stimulate political discussions, and may be especially pertinent in the wake of the Seattle WTO demonstrations. Most can be found on video at the Seattle Public Library, or independent video stores.
*highly recommended
**a “must see”
ASSIGNMENT: AFRICA David Royle 1985 PBS documentary gives insight into why Americans know so little about events in Africa.
A WORLD APART Story of a South African woman who is involved in more than raising her family—the fight for justice.
BERKELEY IN THE SIXTIES Mark Kitchell 1990 Examines free speech fight, civil rights movement, and anti-VietNam War movements in Berkeley.
BOB ROBERTS 1992 Excellent story of typical contemporary Republicrat candidate, except this one is a folk-singer with catchy lyrics.
CIA: AMERICA’S SECRET WARRIORS Mark Levin 3-part TV documentary.
COMMON SENSE Pamphlet by Thomas Paine, the conscience of the American Revolution. Not available in video, but see Danton, as Danton played a similar role in the French Revolution.
**THE CRADLE WILL ROCK 1999 The federally funded Theater Project during the Great Depression, and it’s ruination by anti-communist hysteria.
CRY FREEDOM 1987 Native South Africans’ struggle for justice. Highlights include several profound quotes of Steve Biko.
*DANTON Andrzej Wajda 1982 The rise of the Reign of Terror after the French Revolution. Predecessor of Stalinist terror after the Russian Revolution.
FEAR AND FAVOR IN THE NEWSROOM Beth Sanders 1996 Media censorship in nukes, the Gulf War, and more.
LENNY Bob Fosse 1974 Life of comedian and social critic Lenny Bruce; Dustin Hoffman, Valerie Perrine.
*MAD CITY 1997 Costa Gavras A reporter sees the damage done by mainstream media, yet is trapped in the system. Robert DeNiro.
MANUFACTURING CONSENT Noam Chomsky Examines propaganda and why Americans think as we do.
**THE PANAMA DECEPTION 1992 Shows pattern of U.S. military involvement since the VietNam War, control of media, and US profiting from drugs (see also 1984).
ROMERO 1989 Story of the U.S. CIA and military aggression that converted El Salvadorean archbishop from political conservative to radical.
SALVADOR Oliver Stone 1985 El Salvador as created by U.S. intervention. James Belushi.
*THE SECRET GOVERNMENT Mark Levin, Bill Moyers 1987 The Iran-Contra Affair.
SILKWOOD Mike Nichols 1983 Meryl Streep, Kurt Russell, Cher Brave woman is silenced for speaking out against dangerous nuclear plant.
THREE KINGS Qestions the legitimacy of the Gulf “War.” Ice Cube.
UNDER FIRE 1983 News reporters in Nicaragua during the revolution. Depicts U.S. involvement. Gene Hackman, Nick Nolte.
**WACO: THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Willian Gazecki 1997 Clarifies whether the ruling class truly desires freedom or democracy.
*WAG THE DOG Robert DeNiro President starts a war to divert attention and to increase his popularity.
WHY WE FIGHT 1940’s Six propaganda films produced by US Government and directed by top Hollywood directors, to persuade Americans to support the war. INCLUDES PRELUDE TO WAR, THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN Although huge profits for a select group are why we fight, propaganda is indeed “why we [the rest of us, are willing to] fight.”
YES, PRIME MINISTER 1990 BBC TV series; humorous but realistic look at govt; see The Grand Design” and “One of Us, “Power to the People,” and The Bishop’s Gambit episodes.