Shifty Business
A mini-history and critique of the lopsided U.S. tax system
by Kathleen Merrigan
The following article was originally published in Freedom Socialist newspaper, based in
If you suspect there's a conspiracy underway to make the rich even richer and the poor
much poorer, you're right! And a key force in this rapidly growing fraud is a cataclysmic
shift in the country's tax structure. U.S. lawmakers are steadily increasing taxes on
wages instead of wealth and on workers instead of corporations.
If everyone had about the same amount of money, it would be reasonable for all to
contribute equally to funding social enterprises and government. But, in reality, a very
few people own and control most of the resources. Thus, a fair tax system would ask more
from those who have more in order to guarantee basic human rights to food, shelter, and
healthcare. Simply put, the whole point of taxes, should be to make certain that them
that's got, pay.
Taxes that operate according to this principle are called progressive: the wealthiest pay
the most. Regressive taxes, on the other hand, impose the heaviest burden on those least
able to pay. Through alarming tax cuts for the rich and their corporations, mixed with
heightened reliance on sales, property and payroll taxes that hit ordinary people hardest,
regressive taxes have taken over with a vengeance. Working people, whose wallets are
shrinking while their vital services are vanishing, are paying an insupportably high cost.
The rise and fall of progressive taxation.
In the early days of the republic, government was funded largely through tariffs (duties
imposed on imported goods). The few personal assessments that existed--such as taxes on
property, which few people had, and sales taxes on luxury items only--chiefly affected the
The first income tax was temporarily instituted in 1862 to fund the U.S. Civil War. It was
graduated, meaning proportional to income--the higher the income, the higher the rate or
percentage at which that income was taxed. In 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution
made income tax on wealthy individuals and corporations a permanent feature, with the
promise that basic necessities would not be taxed.
This form of tax was won thanks to reformers of the Progressive Era, reacting against a
rapidly accelerating concentration of industrial wealth. The majority of people at the
time paid no income tax because they had no surplus income.
Steeply graduated income taxes helped to pay for World War I, during which the rate for
the wealthiest taxpayers was 71 percent, and World War II, during which the top rate rose
to 91 percent. Not until after WWII were most workers even taxed on their wages.
During the two world wars and the Korean War, Congress also enacted an "excess profits"
levy to help finance the conflicts and to limit the extent of war profiteering, responding
to public revulsion over this.
Times have certainly changed.
In April 2003, at the same time Bush II was promoting huge tax cuts for the rich, the
government was awarding sweetheart contracts to companies like Halliburton for massive
military destruction and reconstruction in Iraq. Due to some of the largest tax breaks in
history, from 2001-2003 the aerospace and defense industries paid taxes at a measly rate
of 1.6 percent! The rate at which business is supposed to pay is 35 percent. War
profiteering, once disreputable, is now fabulously rewarded.
Corporate coddling.
In the 1950s, business taxes covered more than 25 percent of federal expenses. They now
cover a mere 6 percent.
A study of 275 of the largest U.S. companies between 2001 and 2003 found that they were
taxed on about half of their $1.1 trillion profits. That's because of endless rate
reductions, subsidies and loopholes. Tax shelters--frequently offshore investments that
disguise actual profit--are a primary means of evasion.
Some big companies manage to pay no income tax--and even get refunds!
The wealthiest individuals don't pay their share either. They do pay the highest amount of
federal tax in total dollars. But proportionate to their soaring incomes, their load is
For example, since 1979 the federal tax rate for the richest 1 percent has fallen from 37
percent to 33 percent. But their average income leaped by 125 percent! And this leaves out
of the picture billions of dollars in unreported, untaxed wealth and the ongoing tax cuts
on gifts, investments and inheritance.
Gouging working people's paychecks.
Since its permanent adoption, the federal income tax has always been the biggest tax
revenue source for the government, but that is shifting perilously.
Paycheck deductions for Social Security and Medicare are commonly called payroll taxes.
They are very regressive because they are not graduated and only the first $90,000 of
annual wages are taxed at all. So, while most workers are taxed on their entire wages, the
roughly top 15 percent, who rake in almost half of all reported income, are taxed on only
a portion.
Since 1962, corporate income tax revenues have plunged, but payroll tax receipts have
spiked. The amount of revenue that payroll assessments contribute to the federal
government's coffers has doubled, while the corporations have coughed up two-thirds less.
If this trend continues, the regressive payroll tax will replace the progressive income
tax as the leading source of federal revenue within a decade.
Goodbye education, public transportation, healthcare...
Federal tax cuts that smile on the rich dump huge financial problems onto the states.
Because the states depend heavily on regressive taxes--sales, property, excise--this is bad
news for poor and working people.
Regressive taxes are levies on life's necessities: housing, clothing, food, utilities.
Since low- and middle-income workers spend a much larger portion of their paychecks on
these basics than the wealthy do, they also spend proportionately more on the taxes that
go with them. According to,
"In 2002, Americans in the bottom 20% of
households paid 11.4% of their income in state and local taxes, while those in the top 1%
paid only 5.2%."
Between late 2001 and early 2004, 29 states raised taxes. Over a just slightly longer
period, the states cut their budgets by 5.4 percent, which translates into billions of
dollars' worth of reduced or eliminated public services. Thirty-four states cut spending
on Medicaid and state-subsidized health insurance programs over a recent two-year period,
stripping 1.2 to 1.6 million low-income people of health coverage.
Meanwhile, between Bush's tax cuts and his wars, the national debt is the biggest in
history and growing faster than ever. As of March 1, 2005, it stood at $7.7 trillion, or
roughly $26,000 for every adult and child in the U.S. Future generations are being saddled
with insurmountable debt and stark deprivation.
Tax the rich, give workers a break!
The U.S. desperately needs reform of a tax structure that punishes the people who work to
create society's wealth while pandering to those who appropriate this wealth for their
own. There are two key components to a more fair system.
The first is to establish federal and state income taxes that are much more steeply
graduated than at present, raising the percentages that big business and the rich are
paying and setting the rate for the lowest-waged workers at zero percent. The second is to
abolish sales taxes on everything but purchases of nonresidential luxury items over
$100,000. This pair of steps alone would make the system much fairer. (See accompanying
boxed platform for more ideas.)
No amount of tax reform by itself, of course, will close the gap between rich and poor
that grows daily--or change the gruesome priorities to which tax dollars are dedicated! But
it would make a huge difference to millions of beleaguered poor and working people who
urgently need relief.
Karl Marx famously said, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their
need." Now that would be fair! Revamping the tax system is not going to get us there--but
it's a sane, humane step forward worth setting our sights on.
Kathleen Merrigan, a 20-year public worker and retired member of IBEW Local 77, can be
reached at