#65 September/October 2003
The Washington Free Press Washington's Independent Journal of News, Ideas & Culture
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Case Against Computerized Voting Broadens
"Software flaws stunning" says researcher
by Rodger Herbst

Ethics Commission Muffles Socialist Voice
by Linda Averill, candidate for Seattle City Council

Angel Bolanos for Seattle City Council
from Bolanos Campaign

No! To Another Status Quo Spokane Mayor
by Rob Wilkinson

Fixing California's Recall
by Robert Richie and Steven Hill

Black Box Voting

We're Number One
So Let's Teach 'em a Lesson
by Doug Collins

California Gives Workers Paid Family Leave Program
Similar legislation mandating five weeks paid leave for Washington workers has overwhelming public support
by Jamie Newman

Who's Being Selfish?
book review by B.C. Brown

The Crime of Being Poor
part one
by Paul Wright, editor, Prison Legal News

Cutting-edge political analysis
More George W. Jokes

Does the USA Intend to Dominate the World?
Excerpted transcript from a recent Andy Clark interview with Noam Chomsky for the Amsterdam Forum, a Radio Netherlands interactive discussion program

The Free Range Myth
Manufacturing Consumer Consent
by Eileen Weintraub

Fun Land Mine Facts
Better not take a stroll around Basra

Jinxy Blazer's Rainy Day Reading List

Officer Unfriendly
Unprovoked police attack on protestors sends message that violence is OK
personal account by John M. Bucher, MD

UPI Investigation Finds Cozy Industry/Government Vaccine Practices

Vaccination Decisions
Part one: Is it possible to assess vaccine safety?
by Doug Collins

Angel Bolanos for Seattle City Council

from Bolanos Campaign

Seattle City Council candidate Angel Bolanos gets around. Since filing his candidacy back in January, Bolanos has worked tirelessly to connect with Seattle citizens--ringing doorbells, attending marches and rallies, and visiting a myriad of community events. His mission? To unseat incumbent Jim Compton and become the first Latino immigrant to be elected to City Council.

Bolanos welcomes every opportunity to speak about the issues he feels most passionate about: Living Wages, Police Accountability, and Balanced Neighborhood Revitalization.

"These three issues affect every neighborhood in our community," Bolanos explains. "All over the United States we see examples of how Seattle can become a more livable city. More than 77 cities and counties across the country have living wage ordinances. If Boston, Omaha, and Minneapolis can create legislation that treats workers with dignity, so can Seattle. When we look at our efforts to address police brutality and racial profiling, Seattle's Office of Professional Accountability is toothless compared to the Citizen Police Review Boards found in Las Vegas, San Diego and Pittsburgh. And as for our neighborhoods, we need to pull away from granting every wish and financial break to large corporations and create business opportunities for small local entrepreneurs. Business incubators can provide small, local businesses with the support they need to survive. This has proven successful in Birmingham, Pittsburgh, and Fulton County, Georgia. The time has come for change."

For more information about Angel Bolanos and how to get involved in his campaign, please visit his website at www.electbolanos.org, or contact him directly at 206/725-8758.

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