Trident: Blurred Mission Makes Use More Likelyby Glen MilnerThe Trident submarine system, developed and deployed during the ColdWar, represented a major shift in nuclear war-fighting strategy—frommutually assured destruction to a pre-emptive first strike. Missileslaunched from hidden positions in the Pacific and Atlantic oceansbecame capable of traveling over 4500 miles, delivering nuclearwarheads within 300 feet of their targets in much less time thanland-based missiles. From 1982, with the deployment of the USS Ohio, the Trident systemsteadily evolved to a total of 18 submarines. Added to their firststrike capability are advancements in satellite warfare and submarinewarfare, and increased sophistication of U.S. intelligence, providinginstant communication and precise navigation for U.S. missiles. Ourability to destroy becomes nearly absolute. Today, military planners are proposing ways to make nuclear weaponsmore useable, including the nuclear B61-11 “bunker-buster”,“mininukes” for specific targets, and the tactical and “substrategic”use of the Trident submarine system. Nuclear war becomes more likelyin the process. In 2000, four of the eight submarines at Bangor, Washington began a$6.5 billion refit to the longer range and more accurate Trident II(D-5) missile. The others have been given a different mission. In July 2001, Navy Secretary Gordon England announced the four olderTrident submarines at Bangor will be converted to a new classsubmarine cruise missile launcher (SSGN). 22 of the 24 launch tubes oneach Trident submarine will carry seven Tomahawk cruise missiles for atotal of 154 missiles. The remaining two tubes would be modified for aswimmer delivery system for 66 special operations personnel. Tomahawk cruise missiles are capable of distances up to 1,000 miles,delivering various types of conventional warheads weighing from 700 to1,000 pounds. Traveling at approximately 550 miles per hour, missilescan strike within 30 feet of their target. Underwater warfareofficials promote the fact that Trident SSGN submarines can remainhidden for months at a time and bring significant firepower to enemyshores without detection. The Trident SSGN submarines can ripple fireall 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles within six minutes. As we now evolve into a state of permanent war with no announcedboundaries, the Trident SSGN submarines will be put to use. During theJanuary 1991 Persian Gulf War, 288 Tomahawk missiles were launchedagainst Iraq from U.S. Navy ships and submarines. On October 7, 2001,the first day of the attacks against Afghanistan, 50 Tomahawk missileswere launched. Cruise missiles have become the “weapon of choice” bythe Department of Defense. As a nation, should we be more dependent upon missiles than oninternational diplomacy? We have already shown our ability to actwithout restraint, and even without correct information when the U.S.mistakenly launched cruise missiles against a pharmaceutical plant inSudan in 1998. Other problems exist with the Trident cruise missile conversion: 1. The SSGN submarine conversion may violate international armsagreements. To be compliant, the Trident missile section must be cutout of the hull and a new section installed. Cost estimates for theconversion are rapidly rising. Costs are much higher to completelyreplace the missile section. 2. Does a mission exist for the clandestine launch of as many as 154cruise missiles? Or would a smaller amount from existing attacksubmarines be sufficient for military planners? Similarly, is therecompatibility of cruise missile deployment and Navy SEAL operations?Can the Trident, the largest U.S. submarine ever built, even comeclose enough to enemy shores? 3. Tomahawk cruise missiles raise other nuclear proliferationquestions. In 1991, President George Bush announced that all tacticalnuclear weapons would be removed from U.S. vessels. In the fiscal year2000 Annual Report to the President and the Congress, U.S. DefenseSecretary Cohen states, “Nuclear weapons capability on surface shipshas been eliminated but the capability to deploy Tomahawk Land AttackMissiles armed with a nuclear warhead on submarines has beenmaintained.” Nuclear armed Tomahawks are still operational. In addition, the Bremerton Sun in May 2001 reported that 160cruise missile nuclear warheads are in storage at the Bangor basewhere the Trident SSGN submarines will be deployed. How can we knowthat nuclear warheads will not be deployed on the Tomahawkmissiles? 4. The SSGN conversion will cost an estimated $3.34 billion. Anestimated $12 billion would be saved over the life of the program ifthe SSGN conversion was canceled and the four submarinesdecommissioned. Public discussion is needed on the Trident cruise missile conversionat Bangor. We would find a greater security for our nation and theworld if the Trident submarines were put away for good. Glen Milner lives in Seattle and is a member of Ground Zero Centerfor Nonviolent Action in Poulsbo, Washington. Please see |