#57 May/June 2002
The Washington Free Press Washington's Independent Journal of News, Ideas & Culture
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Urban Work


Nature Doc

Issues On Film


As told by Rigoberto Garcia Perez
Interview by David Bacon

Mine Workers Chief Arrested


BIODIVERSITY:Invading Aliens Threaten Native Plants Worldwide

Bush Energy Policy: Fuels Rush In
Opinion by John Berger, Ph.D.

Call it War, Not Violence
opinion by War Resister's League

Chomsky on the Plan for Palestinians:
'You Shall Continue to Live Like Dogs'
interview by Michael Albert reprinted with permission from Z Magazine

SF Labor Council Condemns Israel

Seattle Peace Activist Visits Palestine
by Linda Bevis and Ed Mast

Dirty Secret: How TVs, Computers Get 'Recycled'
by Jackie Alan Giuliano, PhD, Environment News Service

Euro Electronics Makers Go Lead Free

Recycle 'Orphan' Scrap

Logging/Power Plan Threatens Seattle Drinking Water
opinion by Michael Shank, contributor




Grow Together by Growing Alone First
Bush marriage proposal cannot be accepted
opinion by Mike Seely, contributor

'I Have An Idea'
fiction by Phil Kochik, contributor

Inhumane Conditions at Jefferson County Jail
by Washington State ACLU

Seattle School Bus Workers to Press On
opinion by Jobs With Justice

Nobel Prize Winners: How to Make the World Secure

9/11 was Preventable
opinion by John Flavin, contributor

opinion by Glenn Reed, contributor

Take an Audio Walking Tour
by Jack Straw productions

UN: World's Cities Now Unmanageable

name of regular

Medical opinion by John F. Ruhland, ND

Do you have health-related questions for Dr. John, the Naturopathic Doctor? Send them to the Free Press at 1463 E Republican #178, Seattle WA 98112, or email to WAfreepress@gmail.com. Please keep questions short. The opinions expressed below are on general issues of health. They should not be construed as personal medical advice. Readers should seek a variety of information about any health concern before deciding on a treatment from a personal physician.

Dear Nature Doc,

What is Chelation Therapy and how is it used for detoxification?

Chelation (pronounced "key-'lay-shun") as used in medicine is the act of binding a substance in order to form a larger molecule that is easier for the body to eliminate. Various amino acids are used to chelate heavy metals in order to allow the kidney and liver to remove them from the body. Chemicals used for chelation include EDTA, DMSA and DMPS. Several herbs and minerals are also used for chelation as well as to restore any beneficial nutrients that are removed during the chelation process. DMSA and DMPS bind mercury especially well. They also bind other metals, including lead, cadmium, aluminum (a metalloid), arsenic and excess iron and copper. There are several methods of administration. The simplest form is oral, although this method takes a longer period of treatment than other forms.

One chelating agent, EDTA, is primarily used to treat arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. It is a safe and effective alternative treatment to surgery or other invasive therapies. Some of the actions of EDTA are: 1) it binds heavy metals, especially lead, cadmium and arsenic; 2) it acts as a potent anti-oxidant, preventing free-radical destruction in the body and preventing the oxidation of cholesterol; 3) it helps thin the blood to prevent blood clots; 4) it helps decrease excess deposits of calcium, thus reducing the hardened deposits in the blood vessels; and 5) it reduces blood pressure. Such actions are helpful to people facing heart disease and heart attacks.

In most cases, several months of chelation treatment with EDTA are prescribed in arteriosclerosis. Patients have reported benefits such as decreased angina/chest pains, less shortness of breath, increased stamina, decreased need for medications for heart disease and high blood pressure, decreased diabetic complications, clearer thinking and a better memory. In addition, some people experience a lessening of their arthritis pain. We have seen patients who have been told they needed amputations and would lose their legs due to hardening of the arteries, and as a result of chelation, their legs were saved. It is not uncommon to find patients who were told they would die soon without bypass surgery, and who are living a healthy life after chelation treatment.

Most patients do not have any side effects from treatment. Due to the removal of toxins, some patients feel flu-like symptoms, tiredness, mild headache, or a tingling sensation. Patients getting chelation treatments are advised to drink greater amounts of water to flush their system. We recommend taking a good supplement with important trace minerals to replace any that may have been lost during the chelation treatment. In particular, it is important to supplement zinc and vitamin B6.

Studies report that about 85 percent of patients have a measurable improvement in blood flow and/or a noticeable improvement of symptoms after treatment.

Mainstream therapies such as bypass surgery or angioplasty may increase blood flow to part of the heart, chelation improves circulation within the entire body. Thus, perfusion to the brain, legs, and elsewhere is increased, rather than focusing only on one or more arteries of the heart. Perhaps the most outstanding feature of EDTA chelation is that it decreases free radical damage. Free radicals are partly responsible for cellular aging.

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