Inhumane Conditions at Jefferson County Jail
by Washington State ACLU
The American Civil Liberties Union filed a class-action lawsuit
recently over inhumane conditions for prisoners at the Jefferson
County Jail in Port Hadlock, WA. Filed in the US District Court in
Tacoma by the ACLU of Washington and the ACLU's National Prison
Project, the suit seeks an injunction against the unconstitutional
treatment of inmates at the jail.
"Conditions at the jail are so substandard that they constitute cruel
and unusual punishment," said Washington ACLU Legal Program Director
Julya Hampton.
The jail is deficient in these areas, among others:
Plumbing: Capacity is insufficient to handle the number of prisoners,
leading to overflowing toilets and lack of access to showers. Drains
in the floor of the housing area have backed up with overflowing
sewage. Strong sewage odors permeate areas of the jail, particularly
in summer.
Hygiene: Basic hygiene supplies are lacking and laundry is frequently
not done for weeks.
Climate Control: It is often extremely cold in winter and hot in the
summer. In some cells, prisoners can see their breath in the winter.
The jail does not provide adequate blankets or cold-weather clothing.
Medical Care: Prisoners requesting medical help are often not seen by
the visiting nurse, who comes only once a week. During the rest of the
week, untrained jail staff make medical decisions, frequently denying
medication to prisoners and threatening to withhold it. Prisoners with
prescriptions are placed on lower dosages or different drugs at the
discretion of untrained staff. As a result, inmates have suffered
seizures and other serious medical problems that could have been
Access to Courts: The jail does not provide access to a law library,
and legal mail is improperly handled. Jail staff often block access
even to assigned counsel by, among other things, not permitting
sufficient telephone access and failing to transport prisoners to
court proceedings.
Access to Reading Materials: By jail policy, inmates are not
permitted to receive subscriptions to newspapers or magazines, and are
not permitted to order books.
Staffing: Inadequate staffing creates dangerous conditions, especially
since the jail is overcrowded. Although the inmate population often
has exceeded 60, there is usually only one corrections officer on
In the 1990s, the ACLU successfully litigated over substandard
conditions at the King County Jail, Pierce County Jail, and Washington
Corrections Center for Women at Purdy.
For more information, contact: ACLU of Washington at 624-2184.