#78 November/December 2005
The Washington Free Press Washington's Independent Journal of News, Ideas & Culture
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Genetically Engineered Designer Politicians
When it comes to politicians, intelligent design trumps evolution
by Todd Huffman, MD

Judge: Grant County's Public Defense System Deficient
from the ACLU of Washington

The Day My Leaf Blower Became Silent
story & photos by Kristianna Baird


More Trust Goes to Doctors; A Plague Upon You; Can We Clean Up the Hanford Clean-up?; American Politicians: A Threat to the World; On Hunger Strike in WA Prison

Writing in an Age of Terror
by David Swanson

Somebody Up There Likes Us!
Utne Reader nominates us for best local/regional coverage
from the editor

NORTHWEST & BEYOND compiled by Sharlynn Cobaugh
Small-Town Victory in North Central Cascades; Seattleites Rally Against Military Recruitment; US Wants Extradition of Canada's Prince of Pot; Old Growth Forests Endangered by Healthy Forest Initiative; CAFTA: A knife in the back of health freedom-fighters; Dirty Kilowatts; Chavez Prepares for US Intervention


Dentist Gone Native: The prophetic nutritional research of Dr. Weston Price, DDS
Part 2 (conclusion): The effects of modern diet on native peoples
by Dr. Stephen Byrnes


Work For Bush
cartoon by David Logan

What About the Rank and File?
Labor leaders are still ignoring Labor's biggest asset: volunteer members
part 2 (conclusion)
opinion by Brian King

Federal Charges Filed Against Cascadian Building Maintenance
from SEIU Local 6

Temp World
part 1
by Margie M. Mitchell


Able Danger: 'Something Bigger Here'
New evidence regarding prior government knowledge of 9/11 terrorists
by Rodger Herbst

Socialist Candidate Scores Well in Seattle Vote
from Advocates for Averill


Ford Redoubles Green-washing Efforts
Activists double over laughing
from Global Exchange and Rainforest Action Network

TRASH TALK by Dave and Lillian Brummet
The Valuable Individual; Reduce Waste this Christmas


MEDIA BEAT by Norman Solomon
'The War on Terror'--in Translation

Did you know that...
from David Swanson and O'Kelly McCluskey

Iraq: Toward an Honorable Exit
by Phil Heft


contact list of subscribers who like to talk with you

Northwest activist events


Bird Flu!
cartoon by Andrew Wahl

Washington Prisons Pay Record Censorship Penalty
from Prison Legal News

Cable-Access TV Faces Local and National Threats
from SCAN


Too Much Seatime
by John Merriam, attorney-at-law


Teacher; Dead Artists; Untitled
Three poems by Robert Pavlik

If God...
by Styx Mundstock

The Wanderings and Thoughts of Kip Kellogg
by Vincent Spada

Moody; Crazy
by Vincent Spada


Weapons of Mass Instruction
by Paul Rathgeb

Genetically Engineered Designer Politicians

by Todd Huffman, MD

These are heady days in the world of science. Rapid advances in robotics, computers and nanotechnology all promise less work and better living. Genetic engineers tell us we can expect designer children and designer pets within the decade. And perhaps best of all, science may soon offer the hope of designer politicians.

Can you imagine? No more having to choose between Evil and his twin Lesser. No more will politicians be ruled by narrow ideology and short-term self-interest. No more will, as Henry Kissinger once observed, "ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad name." Those days will be over. A new age is dawning.

The people will be able to design representatives who stand up to special interests, and address the real crises that face us as well as future generations: energy, the environment, poverty, healthcare, civil rights, women's rights, voting rights, education and innovation. We will design representatives who will say what they will do, and who will do what's right, not just what's safe.

These designer leaders will be genetically hardwired to address only the important issues and challenges of our day, and will be biologically incapable of being distracted by trivial issues that matter only to the most vocal minority.

They will always stand and fight, and never bob and weave. They will take positions simply because they are right, and damn the political consequences.

Designer leaders will understand that the paths to our national goals are measured in years and decades, and not in months and election cycles. They will understand that each generation is judged by how it provided for the nation's future, and by how it met its obligation to assure that its children inherited a cleaner, safer, and healthier world.

They will know that government is society's means to collectively address problems that are too large or costly for individuals to handle. They will see government's purpose as primarily to safeguard the right of all its citizens to realize their potential, to think and dream as they wish, and to live richer, freer, and longer lives.

Showing regard always first for the public good, designer leaders will share a common vision of opportunity and well-being for all. They will be programmed to care about what people need rather than only about what they think. Insisting always on a just society that does not discriminate based on gender, race, orientation or creed, they will constantly remind us that a nation cannot remain great unless the scales of justice are balanced for all.

Designer leaders will not be peddlers of fear, only peddlers of hope. Always will they inspire hope against fear, and compassion against injustice. To the dustbins of history will go politicians who bring fear to our doorsteps, and for the small price of a vote promise our safety. It will never occur to them to divide us along fault lines of fear, intolerance, and religion. That awful gene will be deleted, forever.

Designer leaders will have a moral compass genetically embedded that will always guide them down Main Street before down Wall Street. They will be the champions of the Have-Nots, not of the Haves, and of the common good over private gain. Gone will be the days when politicians allowed corporate interests to trump human interests. Designer leaders will stand up to corporations, and remind them that it is possible to do well while doing good.

The designer leaders of tomorrow will lead out of an interest to form a more perfect union, provide for the general welfare, and make this country worthy of the principles and values upon which it was founded. Only thing is, if this new age is ever really to dawn, scientists will need to come up with designer voters, too.

Todd Huffman, MD, resides in Eugene, Oregon. He can be contacted at huffmanhouse@att.net.

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