The Value of a Non-Commercial Newspaper
Do you see it, too?
from the editor
Every couple months I gather article submissions together, edit them, and assemble them into newspaper pages. It's a lot of volunteer work that I do myself, not to mention all the volunteer hours contributed by writers, distributors, artists, assistant editors, and others.
As I start preparing each next issue, I often feel a bit of dread at all the time it takes. But here's what always happens next: I read the articles closely while editing them. I become very interested in them. I begin again to feel the importance of getting these stories out to the wider public, because I realize that if we didn't do this, fewer people in Washington and beyond would learn about important non-commercial, non-corporate news.
What would happen if we at the WA Free Press had to shut down the computers and throw out the proofreading pens? What would happen if we could no longer keep this volunteer boat afloat? Well, I realize the world would not fall apart. (Not immediately, at least!) But certainly this world would be less informed about how to heal itself. After all, people face now a number of cultural and environmental problems that "professional" commercial media generally refuse to discuss.
I hope you, the reader, also see the value of this paper, and the fact that this paper depends on your support. Support starts with subscriptions and donations. This paper can't exist without money for printing and mailing. If you have time, please also volunteer for distributing the paper (a few times a year, no sales involved) and possibly for other tasks necessary to get the news out. Contact us via the subscription form on page 3 or online at If you are already a subscriber then email (with subject heading "volunteer") or send us a letter at WA Free Press, PMB#178, 1463 E. Republican St, Seattle 98112.
Doug Collins