#52 July/August 2001
The Washington Free Press Washington's Independent Journal of News, Ideas & Culture
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Dopey Decision
Supreme Court overrules medical and public opinion
by Sean Carter, contributor

Feds Kill Buffalo, Terrorize Bald Eagles
opinion by Buffalo Folks, contributors

Gandhista Holds City of Seattle Accountable
Injury lawsuit makes progress in wake of WTO crackdown
personal account by Swaneagle Harijan

Gene Giants Get Nasty
Flaws in genetic engineering are exposed
opinion by Ronnie Cummins, contributor

Women Demonstrate Against Dow
An ounce of prevention beats a pound of dioxin

Protest Frankentrees in Portland
by the GE-Tree Conference

Immigrants: ‘Them’ Is ‘Us’
opinion by Domenico Maceri, contributor

Unions, Immigrants Need Each Other
story and photos by David Bacon, contributor

Water Treatment
Sanctions deny even water to Iraqi citizens, but US peace workers pitch in
story and photos by Vickie Goodwin, contributor

Bombings Continue, and Public Health Conditions are Set to Worsen in Iraq
opinion by Ruth Wilson

Weapons Expert Blasts Bush's Missile 'Defense'
by Bob Hicks, contributor

Kent and Jackson, 1970
The real heroes were soldiers who organized against the war
opinion by Mike Alewitz, contributor

Changing the World, One Cup at a Time
by Nina Luttinger and Jeremy Simer, TransFair USA

'Shame Ads' Shame Shuttle Express Instead
Should a company replace your best friends?
opinion by Doug Collins

A Call to Arms
Non-consumers are a threat to the Corporate States of America
by Glenn Reed

name of regular

by John Ruhland

Part 12

Gay and Lesbian Liberation

The movies on this list are well-suited to watching as a group tostimulate political discussions, and may be especially pertinent inthe wake of the Seattle WTO demonstrations. Most can be found on videoat the Seattle Public Library, or independent video stores.

*highly recommended    **a “must see”

A SPECIAL DAY, Carlo Ponti 1977. A progressive radio announcer and aharried housewife who cherishes Mussolini meet on the day Hitler comesto Italy on parade to celebrate a pact with Mussolini. Sophia Loren,Marcello Mastroianni.

*BLACK IS...BLACK AIN’T, 1995. Marlon T. Riggs, who unfortunatelyfollowed conventional medical treatment and died of AIDS treatment,gives a beautiful depiction of what it means to be black, what itmeans to have AIDS, and more.

THE BROADCAST TAPES OF DR. PETER, David Paperny 1993. Chronicles lasttwo years of life and growth of MD who develops AIDS and unfortunatelyfollows conventional medical treatment.

CHASING AMY. Story of a young bisexual woman.

*DAKAN (DESTINY Guinea), Mohamed Camara 1997. Two men fall in love ina traditional society.

GAY CUBA, Marlene Moleon & Sonja de Vries 1995. Lives and historyof gay people in Cuba.

*KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN, Hector Babenko 1985. Stars William Hurt.Relationship between gay man and freedom fighter.

**RELAX, IT’S JUST SEX, P.J. Castellaneta. Who is responsible for thedeath of 300,000 people killed by pharmaceutical drugs?

STRAWBERRY & CHOCOLATE, (Cuba) 1996. Sensitive movie about hetero-and homosexual relationships.

THE TIMES OF HARVEY MILK, 1986. Story of first openly gay politicianassassinated by a former cop while in office (see THE PARALLAXVIEW).

TORCH SONG TRILOGY, 1988. Very funny and deep look at life of a gayman.

THE WEDDING BANQUET. Taiwanese-American man unable to face familypressure marries a woman, but his parents learn thetruth.

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