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Jan/Feb 2001 issue (#49)
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We have another big oil president of the U.S. This is not unexpected, since the president's office can be purchased just like congressional seats. Petroleum companies are the wealthiest corporations and thus have the most money to buy "public" offices.
Big oil is comparable to cancer on many levels. Most obviously, oil products of all types can cause cancer. On a deeper level, big oil represents a cancer on and below the surface of Earth. Its rapid destructive and uncontrolled growth and destruction of the Earth resembles the ravages of cancer found in individual living beings. At the turn of the century, one in twenty people developed cancer. Now it is one in three and nearing one in two. The increase follows the curve of the growth of industrialization and capitalism.
Big oil not only causes cancer, but profits tremendously from it. The most profitable subsidiaries of oil companies are the petro-chemical companies. The most profitable petrochemical companies are those producing pharmaceutical drugs. The most lucrative pharmaceutical drugs are chemotherapeutic drugs. A typical cancer patient earns the medical-industrial complex more than 500,000 dollars.
A recent article in Tablet (another free Seattle paper) outlined some of the Bush family's involvement in illegal activities. Some of this involves drilling for oil in Kuwait. The methods used drilled at an angle near the border with Iraq and actually stole Iraqi oil. This was why Iraq's President Hussein attacked Kuwait. Other Bush family activities involve the illegal drug trade. Free Press readers know of Papa Bush's complicity in the CIA's illegal drug business, using drug money profits to sponsor anti-democratic repression of foreign regimes. This continued and expanded under Clinton, most notably in Columbia. These illegal drugs represent another cancer, poverty, disproportionately harming people of color in inner city areas. Signs are that U.S. covert forces will become more involved with the illegal drug trade now that Baby Bush has appointed an Anti-Castro Miami Cuban to his cabinet. These Cuban Expatriat mercenaries have been intricately involved in antidemocratic actions with the CIA. They were first used during the Bay of Pigs, which is when John F. Kennedy became their mortal enemy. They have since been used to fight popularly elected governments all over Latin and South America and Africa, and in the illegal internationaldrug trade. Most recently they appear to have been used to steal the U.S. election. They intimidated Florida African-Americans at the polls. The "losing" of Florida ballots that was announced repeatedly on election night was very typical for CIA election tampering most often seen in other countries.
Signs are also clear that the pharmaceutical drug companies will continue their profiteereing from "legal" drug pedalling under the new administration. Baby Bush has appointed to one of his top cabinet positions the head of Eli Lilly, one of the largest international drug companies and a major polluter. Bush does not represent less government, rather government by less corporations.
Impeaching Bush is a beginning, but will do little to help overcome these cancers which our one-party system breeds. Our best chance of combating cancer on every level is to change our economic system. Holistic medicine is the best treatment for cancer at the individual level. The health of the planet would also be much improved if we stop filling our sick people with huge amounts of extremely toxic drugs and radioactivity before we bury them. Despite this, it is wasting a great deal of effort when we focus on one person at at time rather than work at a societal level. As far as public health and the health of the planet are concerned, the best way to stop cancer is to eliminate a system putting profits ahead of all else. Just say no to a system that glorifies people who become rich at any cost to the world. Say No To Capitalism.
Next issue: Simple but important health-restoring treatments for people with cancer and those who want to prevent cancer.
Dr. Ruhland is in private practice in Seward Park and in Beacon Hill, and can be reached at 206-723-4891. He is also featured in the Reappraising AIDS weekly television show. Call HEAL Seattle at 425-391-6910 for more information.
Do you have health-related questions for Dr. John, the Naturopathic Doctor? Send them to the Free Press at 1463 E Republican #178, Seattle WA 98112, or email to WAfreepress@gmail.com. Please keep questions short.
The opinions expressed by Dr. Ruhland are on general issues of health. They should not be construed as personal medical advice. Readers should seek a variety of information about any health concern before deciding on a treatment from a personal physician.