Issue Number 27 May/June 1997

Cover illustration by Erich Schreck
- Three articles on the Effects of Seattle's Sacred Drink.
- by Free Press staff and contributors
- A rare triumph for the labor community.
- by Mark Worth
- This important story on Seattle City Light rate hikes was actually turned down for publication in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
- by Nick Dreyer and Megan Cornish
- Want to meet the 'Man of the Year'? Hope you're sitting down.
- by Norman Solomon
- [includes information on how you can receive free copies of books by Solomon]
- Annual News Release from Project Censored.
- ...and it can regain influence if it learns to communicate again with the "Average Citizen."
- by Mark Gardner
- A Community Crossroads for the Arts.
- by Laura Lee Bennett
- Single industry towns having trouble in transition.
- by John Gorrell
- If reporters knew what to ask, they'd be dangerous.
- by Matt Robesch
Reader Mail Actual letters from actual readers.
Free Thoughts Why do Americans take TV so damned seriously?
by Matt Robesch.
Working Of and relating to labor.
reported and compiled by Doug Collins.
American Newspeak Orwellian language
and euphemism in corporate media.
Compiled and edited by Wayne Grytting.
Northwest Books Regional writers in review.
literary reviews by Kent Chadwick and Mark Worth.
Reel Underground Your guide to experimental
film reviews and calendar by Paul D. Goetz and Lori Wahlers
Cartoon by Matt Wuerker.
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Contents this page were published in the May/June, 1997 edition of the Washington Free Press.
WFP, 1463 E. Republican #178, Seattle, WA -USA, 98112. -- WAfreepress@gmail.com
Copyright © 1997 WFP Collective, Inc.