Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) - Once again the heads of global corporations are holding "secret" UN-style meetings with one another. This time around, they are plotting to exempt themselves from having to follow any national or international laws interfering with profit. World governments already gave in to NAFTA and GATT... think they'll stop MAI companies from declaring themselves the real governments? Get the facts:
Stop Cassini Earth Flyby!! - "The controversial Cassini space probe carrying 72.3 lbs of lethal plutonium was launched by NASA on October 15, 1997. To reach Saturn, NASA has scheduled a series of gravity-assist flyby or swingby maneuvers that accelerate the probe's speed. A flyby around Earth would occur on August 18, 1999. The probe is expected to approach Earth at a speed in excess of 42,000 mph."
Computer Virus Myths - "Ignore the hype. The sky is not falling."
Net Hoaxes - "Don't Spread that Hoax!" Tool to help new computer users figure out that the "Good Times Virus," "Kidney Theft" story and similar subjects of mass e-mailings are a bunch of hooey.
[Activism] [African American Issues] [Corporate Welfare] [Drug Prohibition]
[Electronic Media] [Environment] [Government]
[Gun Control]
[Health & Diet] [Human Rights]
[Indigenous People's Issues] [Labor] [Latino American Issues] [Local Flavor]
[Media Scrutiny] [Misc.] [Music] [People & Personalities] [Publications]
[Secular Humanism] [Socio-Political] [Transportation] [Women's Issues] ['Zines]
Citizens Trust Has information on a fund of 300 socially screened stocks.
Direct Action Media Network (DAMN) - "...a developing progressive news service providing multi-media coverage of campaigns, marches, protests and actions that the mainstream media rarely represent."
Empowerment Resources - On-Line bookstore with materials pertaining specifically to "personal growth, social change, and ecology."
Government Accountability Project -
"A national non-profit, public interest organization that advocates
on behalf of whistleblowers." Seattle office focuses on Hanford, the
Alaska Pipeline and other west coast issues.
Northwest Corporate Accountability Project "...information on and examples of Shareholder Resolutions, rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission, information on Washington Corporations, Mutual Funds and related Websites"
Peace Action of Washington- "A grassroots lobby for peace. Current priorities: redirecting military spending, defense industry conversion, nuclear weapons test and production ban, halting US arms trade." (formerly Washington State SANE/FREEZE)
Planners Network online "an international organization of community-based planners, activists, educators, and students."
Refuse &
Resist- - Dedicated to halting the "New" World Order
and its trampling of the Bill of Rights. Powerful intro pages, check them
Seattle Council on Airport Affairs (SCAA) "..an association of individuals, community-based organizations, and other entities, located primarily in Seattle, that are concerned about the increasing negative impact on the quality of life of this region by airport and aviation operations."
WA State Campaign for Democracy - One of the groups that helped get Nader on the ballot in WA state. WSCD is "currently addressing the issue of excessive corporate influence over our private and public lives."
We The People - "a membership organization dedicated to political reform and social justice." Founded in 1992 by former CA governor, and three time presidential candidate, Jerry Brown.
Web Active- "The most up-to-date online publication on the WWW connecting socially-conscious citizens, web surfers and activists with organizations that respond to their concerns."
Welfare Rights Organizing Coalition - "...organizes groups of women and men to watch how welfare policy is implemented at their local welfare office and how it is made at the legislature and DSHS in Olympia."
Black Autonomy News Service
- "News, Views, Black Revolution"
Public Information Network Provides research and information on Transnational Corporations.
Ralph Nader on Corporate Welfare - Short article Nader wrote for the Progressive Populist.
A Letter From Chomsky - A letter Chomsky wrote to Covert Action Quarterly.
The Real Welfare Cheats: Corporate America - Article.
Now Is Not the Time To Increase Corporate Welfare - Article.
Drug Library - "World's largest online drug policy library. The Drug Reform Coordination Net Online Library contains thousands of documents covering all aspects of drugs and drug policy, from ancient history to the latest developments from Europe."
Drug Sense If you have reservations about the 'War on Drugs'... "DrugSense allows you to get educated, and, if you want, get active."
Forfeiture Endangers American Rights (FEAR) "A national nonprofit organization dedicated to reform of federal and state asset forfeiture laws, to restore due process and protect the property rights of innocent citizens."
HempNet.com - "Expanding the boundaries of hemp"
Hemp Initiative Projects of Washington
State HIP of WS has disbanded but maintains this website for reference purposes.
High Times Magazine - "Info
about hemp, marijuana and psychedelic drugs (LSD, ecstasy). Subjects covered
include cannabis cultivation, drug laws, drug tests, legal highs, industrial
uses of hemp, the legalization of marijuana, and the recreational and medical
uses for marijuana."
Association of America's Public Television Stations (APTS) "a nonprofit membership organization established in 1980. Its members are the nation's public television stations."
Cascadia Planet - "Bioregional Webzine for Cascadia."
CPSR - Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility "a public-interest alliance of computer scientists and others interested in the impact of computer technology on society."
Earth-On-the-Air - "...a non-profit organization committed to opening the doors of communication and challenge the current system of corporate-owned media."
Electronic Frontier Foundation-"A non-profit civil liberties organization working in the public interest to protect privacy, free expression, and access to online resources and information."
Electronic Privacy Information Center - "a public interest research center focusing public attention on emerging civil liberties issues relating to the National Information Infrastructure, such as the Clipper Chip, the Digital Telephony proposal, national id cards, medical record privacy, and the sale of consumer data."
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) -
"The mission of this independent government agency
is to encourage competition in all communications markets and to protect
the public interest."
Free Speech TV -
"A progressive voice in the media revolution." Updated every weekday.
Includes Netcast and Cable TV schedules of appearances by progressive media
voices (such as Ralph Nader, Mumia Abu-Jamal) and regular programming (such
as "Dyke TV" and "Political Playhouse").
Globalvision - "Media for the Millennium". Producers of acclaimed progressive TV news shows such as Rights & Wrongs and South Africa Now.
Information Subway - Home of Citizen Vagrom.
Marketplace "Business and economic news with an attitude. Public Radio's popular business program for the rest of us. Clever, informative, newsy, funny, even 'smartass.' From USC."
National Association of Broadcasters - "For 75 years, the NAB has represented the radio and television industries in Washington -- before Congress, the FCC and federal agencies, the courts, and on the expanding international front."
Newshare - "Delivering
your share of the news. The Internet's first news brokerage."
Newspapers Online - "a collection of links to online newspapers from all around the world."
Pacifica Network News
- "Radio with vision." Still presents the most progressive voices on
American radio.
PBS On-Line - Public Television's official web page.
Real Networks - "Creators of RealAudio and RealVideo software allowing web surfers to experience sights and sounds in real time over the net."
Seattle Community Network - "A
free, public computer network run by volunteers. Founded by the Seattle
chapter of CPSR in the Spring of 1994."
Seattle's Independent Media Cabal - This is a comprehensive listing of all progressive, independently produced news and information endeavors currently coming out of Seattle on radio, tv, video, the internet, print, and film. Includes snail addresses and phone numbers.
WashTech (Washington Alliance of Technology Workers) "..an organization of high-tech workers and allies joining together to provide an effective voice in the media and in the legislative and corporate arenas... a voice for all high-tech workers and an advocate for improved benefits and workplace rights."
- "A website for our endangered
species." Microsoft attempts to give something back to the little creatures
of nature.
Connecting With Nature-"The home of Applied Ecopsychology in action."
Downwinders - "Fighting for the health and safety of those put in danger. Since 1978, Downwinders has been at the very forefront of the battle to protect the rights of radiation victims. We're ALL downwinders now."
EarthSave Seattle -
"A reduction in meat consumption is probably the most potent single
act individuals can take in the effort to halt the destruction of our environment
and preserve our precious resources." - John Robbins, Founder, EarthSave
Earth Share of Washington - "a federation of 66 environmental nonprofits working to conserve and protect the environment internationally, nationally, and locally here in Washington State."
EcoNet - "...a decade of support for ecological sustainability and environmental justice."
The Environment on
the Net Conference (held in Seattle 5/9-10/96) - Activists, scientists,
scholars and corporate-types all present their take on how the internet
can be utilized for environmental purposes.
Envirolink - Enviro info service committed to promoting sustainable society. Commercial. Publishes daily news reports. Huge library.
EnviroWatch Purpose is to "convey information regarding environmental issues and pass on articles and pages that may be of interest to those concerned about protecting our resources... Non-profit organization providing investigative services and a databank for grass roots organizations."
Hoffman on Plutonium Space Probes - NASA explorations and experiments are bad for Earth's environment.
Kent Middle School Global Warming '97 Web site put together by eighth grade "physical science students (who) have been studying the causes and effects of Global Warming."
Kyoto Group of 21 - Participate in the "-20% campaign" and influence the crucial decisions affecting our future that will be made in Kyoto, Japan, where the United Nations hosts the conference on global warming, COP3 (3rd Conference of Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change) from 1 - 10 December.
MSU's Links to Global Population Sites - Lots to read and learn about the pre-eminant problem facing humanity.
Native Forest Council - "..proposes an immediate moratorium on the cutting of all native and old-growth trees on our public lands, a cessation of clearcutting and road construction, and a halt to the export of unrefined and barely processed logs."
North Cascadia Sentinel: "Breakneck Beauty" - Bill Hendersons's report on the logging of Canadian forests. From the frontlines of the forest struggle.
NW Environment Watch - Group doing research and publishing on a sustainable NW society.
Nuclear Information and Resource Service - "information and networking center for citizens and environmental organizations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation, and sustainable energy issues."
Oil Spill Intelligence Report
- The premier source of of global information on spill cleanup, prevention,
and control.
Puget Sound Green Pages - "links to Northwest environmental organizations, environmental
industry, government sites and many other sites of interest to people working
on environmental issues in the northwest."
SoundWeb The official site
of People for Puget Sound.
U.S. EPA Oil Spill Program
- Provides imformation about the U.S. EPA's program for preventing,
preparing for, and responding to oil spills in and around waters of the
United States.
Volcano Coverage - Info from NOAA about the active volcano off the coast of WA and OR.
Washington Toxics Coalition - "Providing on-line solutions that prevent pollution!"
Western Arctic Web - "Learn more about the threat to America's Arctic--Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt's rush to drill for oil in the western Arctic and what you can do to help--on the Northern Alaska Environmental Center's web site."
Zero Population Growth - A great resource if you are concerned about population issues.
Don't Know Who Your US Reps and Senators are? - Well, do you know your zip code? Then you can pull up all the information you'll ever need to contact your Senators and Representatives.
Legislative Information Center - "From this page you can search the text of pending bills, and send an email to the members telling them your opinion."
Metro King County - County/Metro concerns including bus schedules and an informative voters' pamphlet.
Privatizing the Prison System Article from the National Center for Policy Analysis.
City Light - Official web site of Seattle's electricity agency.
Seattle Public Access Network- "Official website of the City of Seattle."
Seattle: Voter, Ethics & Elections Information - "We publish summary reports based on the public disclosure filings of City candidates and ballot issues, summary reports and lists of contributors to each campaign, and the Seattle Voters' pamphlet."
Sovereign Rights Forum - Current secession movements in the U.S.: Republic of Texas, Nation of Hawa'ii, Reclaim Washington State, etc.
United Nations - "...an organization of sovereign nations, not a world government, providing the machinery to help find solutions to disputes or problems, and to deal with virtually any matter of concern to humanity."
U.S. House Of Representatives - Learn about Congressional organization and operations, the legislative process; browse pages of members, committees, commissions, and leadership; details on the three branches of government; educational resources and more.
Washington State Legislature - Includes: the State House page , the State Senate page; info on legislative agencies and current bills; a comprehensive look at the State of WA itself; and more.
Bastyr University - "...founded in 1978 to train naturopathic physicians with a scientific approach."
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream - The coolest ice cream company on the planet has a great website with fun stuff for kids of all ages. Read about their recent court victory which allows them to (finally) label B&J ice cream as rBGH (hormone) free.
Controversial Contraceptive - Transcript from an Online Newshour analysis of Norplant.
Guidepoints: Acupuncture In Recovery - "An independent monthly newsletter meeting the needs of professionals concerned with innovative treatment of addictive and mental disorders."
Immunet - "Easy access to quality information about HIV/AIDS."
MKULTRA - "North America's Holocaust." Activist information concerning psychological/medical experiments conducted on non-voluntary US/Canadian citizens.
National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) - Official literature clearinghouse of organization dedicated to alternate forms of addiction recovery.
Natural Choice Directory - "The healthy Yellow Pages."
Planned Parenthood "the world's oldest and largest voluntary family planning organization."
World Guide to Vegetarianism - "a listing of vegetarian and vegetarian-friendly restaurants, stores, organizations, services, etc" around the world.
Accountability in Tacoma - Grassroots police and policy watch project in Tacoma, WA.
The All Powers Project "The domestic Red Scare: It didn't start with McCarthy." It started in the 1940s at the University of Washington.
Amnesty International "AI's objective is to contribute to the observance throughout the world of human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
Bigots with Badges - It's purpose is "to expose the ever increasing Civil Rights violations by law enforcement officers working for federal, state and local municipalities who have sworn to 'serve & protect' the public.
Center for Civil
Society International "...supporting the development of civil society by fostering relationships between the nonprofit sector in the West and the grassroots and nonprofit organizations that have emerged in the states of the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe."
GreenPeace International - "an independent, campaigning organization which uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and to force the solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful future."
Human Rights Watch -
"...conducts regular, systematic investigations of human rights abuses
in some seventy countries around the world... addresses the human rights
practices of governments of all political stripes, of all geopolitical alignments,
and of all ethnic and religious persuasions."
Humanitarian Resource Institute "..non-profit organization established to bridge unmet needs to untapped resources of professional time, talent, in kind donations and cost effective strategies to support community service programs across the globe."
Institute for Global Communications (IGC) - "To expand and inspire movements for peace, economic and social justice, human rights and environmental sustainability around the world by providing and developing accessible computer networking tools."
Academy for Human Rights - "working in the areas of research, teaching, analysis, documentation, training, promotion and dissemination of human rights information in Mexico."
Peace Corps - "The toughest job you'll ever love."
PeaceNet - "...explore information and work for positive social change in the areas of peace, social and economic justice, human rights and the struggle against racism."
Sarajevo Pipeline - Info (and petitions you can sign) concerning this often besieged town.
Food For the Hungry - "Meeting physical and spiritual needs worldwide."
Zamir International
Network - "Peace network in the war zone."
Center For World
Indigenous Studies- "Advancing cooperation and consent between
"Dreams of Tibet" - Excellent and extensive web site based on a recent edition of PBS' Frontline.
Fourth World Documentation Project- Goal is to "present the online community with the
greatest possible access to Fourth World documents and resources."
Hawai`i (Independent
and Sovereign Nation-State) - This World Wide Web service is offered to provide information regarding the restoration of Hawaiian independence, along with cultural perspectives from the people of Hawai`i.
Native American Indian- "Art, culture, education, history, science."
Native Net -
"...designed to promote dialogue and understanding regarding indigenous peoples of all parts of the world. It provides a set of electronic mailing lists and archives and maintains a list of references to relevant information on the Web."
Native Web - Purpose is "to foster communication among people engaged in the present and looking toward a sustainable future."
Planet Peace - "dedicated to the world-wide distribution of information regarding Indigenous and Environmental grassroots initiatives from around the globe."
Speaking Wind "...a Spirit Talker, Author, Lecturer and Teacher from the land of the Pueblos."
YA BASTA! -- the EZLN Page - Resource page for the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, Mexico.
Disgruntled - "A new magazine about the darker side of the world of work."
The Economic Security Project "...promotes federal action to guarantee economic security so that all people can more fully realize their human potential within a caring and democratic society."
Executive Paywatch This site allows you to compare your salary with a CEO in the Fortune 500.
LaborNet - "...supports the guarantees of human rights and economic justice for workers."
Livelyhood - New PBS series about changes in the work place. Hosted by comedian Will Durst.
National Writer's Union - The trade union for freelance writers.
U of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives - "...studies and promotes cooperative action as a means of meeting people's economic and social needs."
When Winners Work for Losers - Celebrate the one true global experience (formerly My Boss Is An "#!$#@!").
Working Stiff "Work. Bitch. Act."
Memorial to the Immigrant - Find out about the building of a monument/memorial dedicated to Mexican immigrants. A proposed "Ellis Island for the West Coast" so to speak.LOCAL FLAVOR
Caustic Seattle Compendium "...an unflinching urban guide to Seattle living."
Issaquah Press - The eastside's oldest newspaper.
Speakeasy Cafe- Seattle's coolest
internet cafe (and home of the WFP On-Line Library).
The Evergreen State College-
Official home page of that "ever strange green college" down in
Oly town. One WFPer is an alumni. Can you guess which one?
Red & Black Books Collective - "Collectively owned since 1973."
Yahoo - Seattle listings- A quick way to experience Seattle-based web
Adbusters Culture Jammers' Headquarters - New and improved! Fully graphic! If you haven't read AdBusters, you're missing the revolution.
Covert Action
Quarterly - On-line edition of the Covert Action News Bulletin.
Doonesbury Electronic Town Hall
- Daily briefing, straw poll, chat hall, flashbacks, and so much more.
Electric Minds - "..an ongoing experiment in the art of online conversation."
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
(FAIR) - "the national media watch group focusing public awareness on the narrow corporate ownership of the press, the media's allegiance to official agendas, and their insensitivity to women, labor, minorities, and other public interest constituencies."
Free Radio Press - (formerly Radio Resistor's Bulletin) - "The scope of the journal is now widened to include Internet, freedom of information and other first amendment issues as well as micro radio."
McSpotlight - "McDonald's, McLibel, Multinationals" A different spin on the fast food juggernaut... one McD's spends millionsof dollars annually to gloss over.
Media Watchdog - A collection of online media watch resources, including specific media criticism articles and information about media watch groups.
News Watch - Bi-weekly 'zine "reporting news stories that are neglected by the mainstream (corporate-owned) press."
Project Censored Produces annual list of important, yet under-reported, news stories and presents them in a top 10 format.
Share International Media Service (SIMS) - "a non-profit, non-governmental organization associated with the Department of Public Information at the United Nations."
This Modern World - The official web page of Tom Tomorrow.
Artemis Society, the - "an organization formed in Aug '94 to provide everyone who is interested an opportunity to participate in the development of the lunar base."
The NEA Army: Practitioners of Stealth Art A group of artists requesting $99.5 million NEA grant (their entire grant budget) so that a mere portion of a B-2 Stealth Bomber can be purchased and paraded around the US in an exhibit called "Priorities".
Oceania -- The Atlantis Project - "dedicated to the goal of establishing a new country named Oceania."
Stale - The site Michael Kinsley
doesn't want you to read.
The WELL - The on-line community you've heard so much about... now go visit it.
Experience Music Project- "Explorations of American popular music."
Pandemomium! - "Naked Truth, Free Pictures, Pop Music, No Software."
Sonarchy- Cutting edge web site produced by the Jack Straw Foundation. "This site is a listening experience."
King, Dr. Martin Luther. (click for expanded listing).
Klein, Jerry - "A Voice in the Wilderness." Interactive site of the radio/TV personality.
Moore, Michael. - (click for expanded listing).
Cascadia News - "Your guide to Pacific Northwest news and public affairs on the net."
Eat the State! "a forum for anti-authoritarian political opinion, research and humor."
Great Speckled Bird, The - "the 'underground' liberal newspaper of Atlanta dating from the 1960's."
Haight Ashbury Free Press "Bringing the latest news (sort of) from the Haight Ashbury Underground."
High Country News - "a paper for people who care about the West."
Media Culture Review - "The award-winning quarterly zine published by Institute for Alternative Journalism."
mirror Drive-Thru - Seattle Times supplemental written by teenagers for teenagers.
Mojo Wire - "Mother Jones Interactive."
The Nation Digital Edition - "offers
highlights from the current issue of The Nation, America's oldest
weekly journal of politics and culture; background material not appearing
in the magazine, including photos, interviews, research documents, resource
lists; RadioNation; NationAlert; On-line forums; and the Hotlist."
News Resource - Guide to electronic
newspapers around the world.
Real Change Seattle area newspaper produced and distributed by the homeless community.
The Record - "On line news from Nootka Sound & Canada's West Coast. An independent, progessive regional publication."
The Rocket - Bi-weekly. News on the Seattle & Portland music scenes. Now somehow related to San Francisco's BAM magazine.
Seattle Gay News
Online - "Your lesbian and gay news weekly, and the nation's third oldest gay publication."
Seattle Post-Intelligencer - Local Hearst owned daily newspaper.
The Seattle Times - Seattle's largest daily, independently owned newspaper.
Seattle Weekly - News department now regularly features writings of Free Press co-founder Mark Worth. Same owners as New York City's Village Voice.
SHARE International Magazine - "..brings together two major directions of contemporary thought -- the political and the spiritual. It shows the synthesis underlying the political, social, economic and spiritual changes now occurring on a worldwide scale."
The Stranger - Seattle's trendy alternative weekly.
Secular Web, the - A library dedicated to secular issues.
Anarchy Organization, the (tao site) - "..an alternative world of creativity and freedom, of truth and energy, all converging into love."
Ask Thomas Jefferson - To remind us what democracy is all about, here are categorized quotes from the good ol' Virginia boy himself.
Association of World Citizens - "(Our) central task, on which future generations depend, is to lay the foundation for a Global Village of social and economic justice, lasting peace, and a sustainable environment."
Backbone for a Cooperative Society - Essays and philosophies on today's social dilemmas.
Brain Food - Great collection of articles covering all the issues threatening the survival of humanity.
Cartoons and Caricatures by Pritchett - Official site of John Pritchett political cartoonist.
ConlictNet - "...promotes dialogue and sharing of information to encourage appropriate dispute resolution."
- "will provide a portal to the emerging radical intellectual movement flourishing in the World Wide Web community and point users of the service towards the highest quality, most powerful and culturally important information the Internet has to offer."
Electronic Policy Network - Links to all the best policy research organizations and journals.
Eye on New York Politics "Where the progressives are."
FECInfo - The non-partisan Federal candidate campaign money page. "a fantastic place to turn to so you can find out how much money federal candidates have received. This makes it easy to "follow the money." --PoliticsOnline
Hakim Bey Library - "Guy Debord once put out a book with sandpaper covers. The idea was to make it impossible to shelve the book with the rest without lacerating them. A good idea but Hakim Bey has gone Debord one better. He put the sandpaper inside." -- Bob Black, from his review of T.A.Z., The Temporary Autonomous Zone.
Hightower and Associates "With a Texas-sized wit and a fighting spirit, populist Jim Hightower is championing the concerns of working people and skewering the high and mighty as he has for years."
Media and Democracy Congress II - Features previews of proceedings, speeches and workshops that will take place at the Media and Democracy Congress in New York City, October 16-19, 1997.
Metropolitan Democratic Club "..a social club to help progressive Seattle Democrats get together and meet, share views, and exchange information."
National Political
Index - "the most comprehensive listing that we've found
of political sites on the web. If it's about politics, you can get there
through the NPI." --Politics Online
Noam Chomsky Archive, The - World reknowned American dissident scholar. An excellent place for you to start educating yourself on the controversial views which have kept this man off of mainstream American television for over 30 years.
Progressive Law
Student Web Page - "..a resource for those law students who want to use their education in the pursuit of social justice."
Turn Left - "The Home of Liberalism on the Web." A smorgasbord of proud Left Wing culture.
World Citizen Web "Everything is happening at once and everything is happening to everybody. This is the most revolutionary fact of any century." Give up your current national allegiances and become a citizen of the world. You can even acquire a passport that proves your statelessness.
Smallest Political Quiz, The - A funky little quiz designed to show you that your political views are actually Libertarian.
ALT-TRANS! - Working to promote transportation alternatives.WOMEN'S ISSUES
Ada Project, the - "Tapping internet resources for women in computer science."
Advancing Women - "International business & career network, strategy, employment for women."
Boston Women's Web - "A free information and networking center by and for Boston-area women's organizations."
Encyclopedia of
Women's History - A web encyclopedia authored and maintained by grade school kids.
Eye on Women - "Keeping up with the women of metro Atlanta."
Feminism and Women's Studies - "..publishes women's studies and feminist works, particularly focusing on issues of sex, gender, sexual identity and sexuality in cultural practices."
Feminist Law Student
Website - "provides links between different groups of women and men who are interested in women's issues regarding social justice, human rights and the law."
Feminist Majority Foundation - Utilizing technology and information to advance the rights and opportunities for women everywhere.
Global Fund For Women - "commited to giving flexible, timely support to women's groups working on emerging, controversial or difficult issues."
Home Alive
- "a collective of performance
artists, visual artists and other freaks hellbent on fighting all forms
of violence including: rape, domestic abuse, gay/lesbian bashing, racism,
and other forms of oppression."
National Organization for Women (NOW) - Official home page of NOW's national office.
NOW- Washington
State Chapter- Local chapter of NOW.
Pleiades Networks - "An internet resource for women."
Voices of Women - "Power tools for women of vision."
WITI - "Women in Technology International... resource for women in science and technology."
Woman's Space, a - Focuses on "women as mothers... as professionals... as wives and homemakers... as active memebers of society... as poet and artists... and as people."
women.com - "The smart network."
Women and Talent - Purpose: "to encourage more expression of the multiple talents of all gifted women."
Women Leaders Online - "Women organizing for change."
WomensNet - "supports women's organizations worldwide by providing and adapting telecommunications technology to enhance their work. "
Women's Resource Project - Links to academic resources for women.
Women's Web - Includes 'Working Mom of the Year'.
Women's Wire "provide a great place for women from around the world to connect with one another. We cover everything from news to health, fitness to fashion, money to entertainment, work to shopping. Women's Wire aims to inform, provoke and amuse -- we reserve the right to talk about things both serious and silly.;-)"
Women's Work - "The business site for business women."
World's Women On-Line - "an electronic art networking project to be incorporated into activities surrounding the United Nations' Fourth World Conference on Women in Bejing, China--August 30 to September 15, 1995."
Amp Magazine - New Web
zine produced in Seattle. Features essays, book and music reviews, commentaries,
Bust 'zine - "The voice of the new girl order." By girls for girls... the ANTI-Cosmopolitan.
Doomed Planet
- Short but sweet e-zine with interesting interviews and reviews. First issue has an interview with Jim Hogshire (author of Sell Your Body to Science and You Are Going to Prison) who is currently on the run from the law... find out why.
New Fragments 'Zine - "An e-zine of essays, graphics, quotes, ruminations, rants, random thoughts, social critiques and contradictions."
Girl Jesus - "Amy Halloran is your average lapsed Catholic with a martyr complex. But isn't it strange she'll turn 33 in the year 2000?"
Impropaganda - "Screws with your mind until you come to your senses."
Pause - E-Zine produced by one John McCrory.
Raptorial 'Zine
- Radical ramblings, caustic commentary, stories,
art, poetry, photography... it's all here in Raptorial's second incarnation.
New issues produced seasonally.
10 Things Jesus Wants You To Know "Based in Seattle.. covers the underground and independent music (that we loosely call punk and hardcore) and the issues that face the underground community."
WWWench -
"an online column with attitude."
Zenarchy by Kerry
Thornley - "Filled with the wit and wisdom of Ho Chi Zen, a
familiar character to readers of Cosmic Trigger and the Illuminatus!
trilogy, Thornley delivers a collection of entertaining tales from the past
designed to teach, amuse and delight."
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