#63 May/June 2003
The Washington Free Press Washington's Independent Journal of News, Ideas & Culture
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Rubber Ducky Sweepstake Winners

Challenge to Government Secrecy on "No Fly" List
from the ACLU

Scooping 'em in America
The Free Press got there first
by Doug Collins

Ducky contest is extended

Challenge to Government Secrecy on "No Fly" List
from the ACLU

My Japanese Protest
by Joel Hanson

Imprisoned for Peace
personal account by Jean Buskin

Iraq War Quiz
by Stephen R. Shalom

Bush's War: Orwellian Symmetry
opinion by Donald Torrence

Winner-Take-All Politics Feeds Militarization
by Steven Hill

Labor's Enron
Labor leaders used insider positions to rake off millions
opinion by Charles Walker

Attorney general: WEA ignored law

Michael Moore In Shoreline
He nominates Oprah for President
by Chris Jones

Mysteries of the Twin Towers
Will the National Commission reveal the truth?
by Rodger Herbst, BAAE, ME

Create Your Own Tax Cut
opinion by Joel Hanson

Fish or Farms?
Salmon die in the Klamath due to Bush administration decisions
by Hannah A. Lee

King County Passes Mercury Thermometer Sales Ban
by Brandie Smith

Welcome to the Pesticide Free Zone
by Philip Dickey

Road Kill
State's DOT is mainly to blame for roadside herbicides
by Angela Storey

Real Faces
At protests, people usually see each other shoulder-to-shoulder;photoessayist Kristianna Baird helps us look face-to-face

Scooping 'em in America

by Doug Collins

In the January issue, we recounted some of the highlights of in-statenews coverage in the Free Press during the past ten years. This issue,we recount some national issues that the Free Press reported in thedecade since its founding.

At the Free Press, we've made it a habit to scoop the major dailiesand weeklies. Sometimes we are years in advance. How do we do it?Instead of assigning topics, we let writers follow their personalinterests. We edit articles with an open mind and concerned heart,without influence of advertising money or wealthy ownership. Pleasesubscribe to help support our effort to bring you progressive newsfrom near and far!

Energy deregulation could shock consumers and environment ("The Priceof Power" Mar '98) We published this prescient article two yearsbefore the California power catastrophe.

Scientific research shows income inequality leads to poor nationalhealth ("Are the Rich Making Us Sick?" by Stephen Bezruchka, MD) Asimilar article by Bezruchka was later published in Newsweek.

Food disparagement laws make it risky for environmentalists tocriticize pesticides ("Lettuce Libel" Apr '96, by Eric Nelson) Thiswas named a Project Censored top story in 1997.

The forced use of the Norplant contraceptive in Washington and otherstates ("Norplant: Dark Side of the Law" Mar '97 by Rebecca Kavoussi)This was named Project Censored's #7 top story of the year.

Ex-Boeing weapons expert blasts Bush missile defense plan (Jul '01, byBob Hicks). In this article, former Boeing weapons expert DonaldWhitmore asserted that the danger from foreign missiles is minisculecompared to dangers from lower-tech strategies, such as use ofcivilian airplanes. This was certainly proven a few months later onSeptember 11, 2001.

Opposition to flouridation re-emerges as a water quality issue("Flouridation: Toxic and Ineffective" Jan '02 by Emily Kalweit) Wehave also printed continued updates on flouridation statewide.Incidentally, the Sierra Club now calls for a moratorium on thepractice.

Silicon Valley uses immigrant engineers to keep wages low ("SiliconValley Sweatshops" Jul '00 by David Bacon) This received ProjectCensored's #10 top censored story honors for the year 2000.

Dangers of dental mercury ("Dental Malpractice" Jan '98, and "Mercuryin your Mouth" Sep '01 by Christine Johnson) This health andenvironmental issue has recently seen more mainstream reporting.

Oil safety concerns on the Alaska pipeline ("Crude Behavior" Aug '95by Eric Nelson) Severe lack of oversight and accountability havecaused large-scale environmental damage.

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