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Sept/Oct 2000 issue (#47)
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Food and nutrition are THE cornerstone of Naturopathic Medicine. It is very easy for a physician to focus on caring for individual people. That is what makes "successful" doctors financially successful. But major trends in illness prove that we really need to address problems societally. Among these problems are the poor diets of the majority of the people, the lack of exercise, and the pollution of air, water, and land. Reflecting on the greater societal implications always brings me to the following conclusions: Food is a basic human need and a human right. To make this possible, all people should have equal access to land to grow food. All land should be communally owned.
Under our economic system, property rights form the basis of the law. Under this law, when someone purchases stolen property, they do not legally own that property. Nearly all of the land in this country must be considered stolen from the Native Americans, thus none of us owns the land, even if we have proof of purchase on fancy paper titles with fancy graphics. All that the land produces, including food, must be communally owned, as that was the law of the Native Americans when they allowed us to enter their part of the world.
The idea that a person can be killed for allegedly stealing food is preposterous, yet that is just what happened in Seattle when a cop killed David Walker for allegedly stealing a drink. Truly our world is out of balance.
The death of David Walker was horrible. Horrible also is that Officer Tommie Doran was made "Officer of the Month" by the SPD for the murder. David, a mentally ill African-American was gunned down after the Safeway store reported they suspected he had stolen some milk or juice. Apparently they couldn't even figure out what he stole, but they knew he stole it.
David went skipping down the street holding a knife to fend off what appeared on national television to be a dozen police officers. That should have clued in the cop who killed David, that David was not sane. An officer of the peace should have been able to defuse the situation without the death of a human being. At least I hope that police training includes more than just firing at outlines of humans at the firing range.
When those who are paid to protect property take the job, they should be screened for mental illness themselves. Officer Doran had a record of violence. With the combination of the adrenalin secreted during "the chase" and the testosterone of these strapping lads, it must be difficult for police to resist the urge to unleash and feel the power of firing, killing, destroying, smashing, and killing. Shooting a gun is a powerful feeling, but guns do not have to be deadly. Switzerland is a very safe country and it has the highest per-capita rate of gun ownership.
I will never look the same way at an American policeman again after getting tear-gassed while photographing peaceful protesters during the WTO. I am proud of having gotten involved as a volunteer medic to help rescue beaten protestors. I am also proud of at least one principled policeman who quit the force sometime before the WTO because he saw the incredible repression that was planned.
Ultimately there is no solution for the disparity between rich and poor without a remaking of our society in a completely different structure. Until that time, we must have police who answer not just to the Safeways, the Safecos, and the bankers' safes. Until that time we need a police force, preferably of volunteers, but at least one that is responsible to the majority, to the people.
Dr. Ruhland is in private practice in Seward Park and in Beacon Hill, and can be reached at 206-723-4891. He is also featured in the Reappraising AIDS weekly television show. Call HEAL Seattle at 425-391-6910 for more information.
Do you have health-related questions for Dr. John, the Naturopathic Doctor? Send them to the Free Press at 1463 E Republican #178, Seattle WA 98112, or email to WAfreepress@gmail.com. Please keep questions short.
The opinions expressed by Dr. Ruhland are on general issues of health. They should not be construed as personal medical advice. Readers should seek a variety of information about any health concern before deciding on a treatment from a personal physician.