Collective Members: Mark Bigelow, Doug Collins, Mark Gardner, Eric Nelson, Doug Nufer, Georgi Page, Matt Robesch
Emeritus Members: Andy Bauck, Mike Blain, Jenny Schmid, Mark Worth
Staff Writers: Kent Chadwick, Wayne Grytting, Paul Goetz
Staff Cartoonists: John Ambrosavage, Dick Lande
Contributing Writers: d. baronov, Cameron Chapman, Suky Hutton, Todd Mattews, John Ruhland, Wally Shoup, Norman Soloman, Jim Sullivan, Alison Thorne, Roger Valdez, Charles Van Wey, Burton H. Wolfe
Contributing Artists & Photographers: Gordon Anderson, Ron & Emily Austin, Jim Gibbs, Adam Griffin, Ken Larson, Mark Redfox, Tom Tomorrow, Matt Wuerker
Distribution Assistance: David Nettleton, Eddie Tews
Layout & Cover Art: Seymour Caprice
Writers and artists are encouraged to submit proposals. Please do not send originals.
Subscriptions are $12/year (6 issues).
Copyright © The Free Press Collective, unless otherwise indicated.
The Free Press retains one-time print and one-time electronic rights. Copyright thereafter reverts to writer or artist. However, the Free Press may reprint work for limited promotional or retrospective uses. Other publications are encouraged to reprint articles from the Free Press, but must first gain permission of the writer.
Opinions and letters to the editor herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the publishers or advertisers of the Free Press.
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