How Free Is 'Free Love'

Advocates for sexual liberation under the banner of "free love in a caste-free and thereby hate-free community of equal and autonomous humans,: such as Clara Fraser ("The Love That Dare Not Speak its Name in the Army" Free Press, Sept. 1993) show the same compassion for diversity that the Nazis did - except we have not suffered this fate yet.
Ms. Fraser's forked tongue is as sharp as the demagogues she attacks. Her solution for sexual fascism in the military is to reverse the directions of bigotry and create a sexually fascist nation of hate-free autonomous humans. With the standard of the oppressed minority, she rallies the troops and charges into battle for peace.
Battle cries for sexual liberation and free love fly. But when the victory is theirs, what other voices are heard? Echoes of the victorious always ring louder than the voice of the loser. Revolutions promise change. But is a trade of elephant-and-donkey morality for the enforced morality of "free love" the panacea for the sexually oppressed?
What happens to the alternatives, the voices of dissent? What if I don't feel that my love is free, but my neighbor - being a rabid socialist with a hard-on for equality - can't seem to accept this? Will the government force me to accept this knuckle-dragging, neo-sexual liberation fascist into my home because the New Order is for free love?
Free love imposed by the government will be just another mask for the morality police to kill free thinking. Clara - who will be the cannon fodder and sacrificial lambs in your "hate free" society to replace today's "differently sexualized"?

Matthew Schonwald

Please see another reader's response to the above letter.

Circulation Envy?

You've got some interesting journalism, but you're too serious. Why can't you keep your political slant and embrace the fun side of life, too - the force that keeps the vertebrate world alive, i.e. sex, as The Stranger does? Why must your only acknowledgment of the fun side of life be to condemn it?
I refer to the trap you laid in The Stranger personals ("I'm a Barrel of Monkeys" Free Press, Sept. 1993) - that was cruel to the men who answered the ad - and your attack on those who pierce and get pierced ("Failed Piercing Experiments" Free Press, Oct/Nov 1993). Your only joy is schadenfreude. You are Victorian left-wingers. It's a great paper for people who can live by hardtack alone (without water) and can maintain a constant state of righteous indignation.
Why can't one both think and feel? By feel I mean the more immediate, personal feelings, the kind of things children fell when they're happy. Sex is an attempt to return to one's childhood.
I bet your nasty jabs at people who place and answer singles ads, and at kinky sex practices, stem from your envy of The Stranger's circulation.

Jacob Wegelin

Don't Lighten Up!

One morning I left the Queen Anne Coffe shop with the Washington Free Press underneath my arm. I read every articles, every cartoon and every advertisement... and I realized I simply must have a subscription to this publication. Sign me up!
Thank you for your "Communications" department, "Bias Watch" and great cartoons!

Nicole Dubois

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Contents on this page were published in the December/Jan, 1994 edition of the Washington Free Press.
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