Ex-L.A. Resident Offers Advice

I found your recent editorial, "Beyond Mass-Media Bashing" (Free Press, June 1993), well-written, informative and persuasive. Your central premise that the main mass media are not doing their job is a grassroots truism long in the making.

It takes guts to start your own publication in the hopes of raising the consciousness of the public. After starting my own magazine, The Protagonist, which lasted all of two issues, I can heartfully admit that to say what you want and do it with a successful periodical is truly an accomplishment. You puts it out there and you takes your chances, to paraphrase Popeye.

Seattle needs a professional alternative. After living in Los Angeles and reading the L.A. Weekly, I miss the media-bending awareness that a good, thick, well-stocked alternative offers. Perhaps the Free Press might be that alternative.

Lastly, as a once fervent SPY magazine reader, I enjoy little touches of SPY-isms throughout your paper - the reference to Donald Trump as a "developer/board game creator" and the "Reunited" column - although that can seem derivative after a while.

A good alternative should never be derivative, should it?!

Taso Lagos

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Contents on this page were published in the July/August, 1993 edition of the Washington Free Press.
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Copyright © 1993 WFP Collective, Inc.