When friends of Eleanor Roosevelt expressed concern over repeated media attacks on the First Lady's character as a result of her involvement in civil rights and other public issues, Eleanor said, "I know these attacks are hard for my friends to bear. Nonetheless, I intend to continue to provide plenty of fuel for future attacks."
So too, Hillary Rodham Clinton continues to pay for using her time in the spotlight to engage in meaningful work.
Damned when she does, damned when she doesn't, the latest barrage of indignation comes from the fashion industry. Most vocal among the industry's critics is Holly Brubach, fashion editor for the New Yorker .
Displeased with the First Lady's fashion performance, Ms. Brubach calls Hillary's taste "middle-class, middle American, and middle-of-the road." She maintains Hillary's job as First Lady is to act as a human hanger for America's finest fashion designers.
As a result, supporters of Hillary are urging President Clinton to appoint a Fashion Czar at the cabinet level to take the load off of the First Lady.
Certainly the importance of upholding American fashion is on par with health care reform, jobs and the national debt.
Therefore, the duty of the Fashion Czar will be to act as national mannequin for the US fashion industry and as a model of American chic for the world.
In addition to providing the fashion industry with a demonstration model and a spokesperson for Made-In-America excellence, Hillary is promoting an even larger, more substantive role for the Fashion Czar.
She suggests using the position to lead unannounced visits to notorious sweat shops of the garment industry accompanied by press, police and immigration officials and to organize photo ops at the breeding farms of furriers or on the killing fields of endangered species.
Those suggestions have caused many fashion experts to reconsider the value of a First Lady who prefers rolled up sleeves to platform shoes.
For months we have watched with growing frustration the tribal war rage in Eastern Europe. If only the Serbs had been met by the Branch Davidians, a Texas-style showdown might have spared thousands from attempted genocide.
Instead, the policy of caution toward a conflict that could explode across greater national, ethnic and religious lines has not only failed to stop the slaughter, it has created a window of opportunity for Croats to seize their own chunks of Bosnia and to launch their own attempt at genocide.
Clearly, here is a job beyond what heads of states and armies could perform. This is a tempest that requires creative strategies and symbolic actions.
Only a campaign on the level of the church-led Children's Crusade against the Moors could silence these guns and shame these aggressors. This time, however, let the Pope and all the patriarchs of the Eastern and Orthodox faiths lead the mission. Encourage Billy Graham to leave the farm and lead the relief convoys. If Joan Baez could postpone her Seattle engagement to sing in Bosnia's slaughter house, perhaps the Mormon Tabernacle Choir might lead a sing-along in some besieged Bosnian village.
Given the Right-to-Life's passionate defense of fetal tissue, they might welcome an opportunity to lay their bodies on the line to save real children from rape, terrorism and murder.
Only a campaign on the level of the church-led Children's Crusade against the Moors could silence these guns and shame these aggressors.
Imagine church potentates putting their persons at risk in the fields of the Lord, meeting guns with prayers, Croats with excommunication and Serbs with a crucifix, holy water and a sharp stake ...
No, the front lines of this war have not seen the likes of Billy Graham or the Pope or the Right to Lifers.
It has seen French President Mitterrand fly into Sarajevo with food and medical relief; the nation of Israel take in hundreds of Muslim refugees; Lt. General Phillippe Morillon refuse to budge from Srebrenica until a relief column could arrive and evacuate refugees. It has seen the simple decency of an American folk singer willing to perform from the back of a truck to civilians under fire in a one woman show of song and defiance.
And after months of silence, Pope John Paul II was finally moved in mid-April to plead for an end to the "atrocious drama" in Bosnia that "humiliates Europe and seriously compromises the future of peace."
But for the most part, those who symbolize the highest moral ground have not done battle with the Satan loose in Bosnia.
Overdue is their leadership. Still wanting is their shouldering of humanity's burden at the scorched-earth level where bandages, food and psychic healings are as vital as the dying soul's hope of heaven. Let the preachers reach their hands into that pit and demonstrate their creeds with deeds.
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